What Are The Most Popular Quotes About Cats

What Are The Most Popular Quotes About Cats
What Are The Most Popular Quotes About Cats

There is probably no person in the world who would not sympathize with these amazing animals. What is the secret of their charm is unknown. It is only known that the statement of the famous Mark Twain "If a man were crossed with a cat, it would improve the man, but it would worsen the cat" is absolutely true.

What are the most popular quotes about cats
What are the most popular quotes about cats

Angora cat

These graceful animals come from the Turkish province of Ankara (Angora), from where they were brought to America by oriental merchants. Although some sources say that nomadic Tatars were the first to tame these cats. This is a beautiful breed with a luxurious fluffy coat, a clever expression of the muzzle and a long graceful body. The first Angora cats were exclusively white in color, but the eyes could be copper, blue, amber, green and even different! One eye is copper-amber, the other blue. Théophile Gaultier, a French poet, really wrote about them: "Who can believe that there is no soul hidden in the depths of these shining eyes!"

Siamese shorthair cat

Elegant "Siamese" - one of the most beloved cat breeds. They are easy to distinguish by their long legs, flexible body, large ears, darker coat color on their feet, muzzle, ears and tail, almond-shaped eyes and loud voice. They are very active, very smart, extremely curious and insistently demand the attention of the owner. "Cats can say a lot, but very little of it will be compliments," - rightly noted the children's English writer Michael Rosen. Over the centuries of close proximity to humans, Siamese cats have become incredibly sociable and take active action in all family matters.

British Shorthair

The amazing silver-spotted color of this breed was one of the first in British Shorthair cats. Quite large, muscular cats with a massive neck and large rounded cheeks. It was this breed that was the famous Cheshire cat, who could charmingly smile at Alice in Wonderland. Calm character, resourcefulness, love for children makes this animal ideal for living with any family. “Cats are such good friends; they don’t ask questions or express their critical opinion”- that's what George Eliot said.

There are so many of them and they are all adorable. They do what they want, they walk on their own, they love us. “Cats don't need our flattery. They know that they are beautiful and aristocratic, that they are gifted dancers, great players, talented singers and incomparable acrobats. We can talk about our cats whatever we want and they will just do what they do because they are self-sufficient and do not care if they please their boss or not.”- Michael Rosen, English writer.