Who Are The Marine Painters

Who Are The Marine Painters
Who Are The Marine Painters

Some artists like to paint the sky, others prefer portraits, the brushes of the third conquer a variety of natural landscapes. But quite separately in this series of analogies is water. Rivers, oceans, lakes, seas occupy a huge area and are very diverse and picturesque. Artists who embody water landscapes on canvases are called marine painters.

I. K. Aivazovsky
I. K. Aivazovsky

History of origin

The sea has always captivated and attracted people, this huge unsolved mystery attracted and attracted to itself. Thousands of years ago, the theme of the sea was first heard in arts and crafts. Much later, at the beginning of the 17th century, the first seascapes began to appear, embodied in graphics and painting. All this became possible only due to the fact that the narrow borders of the world for the inhabitants of Europe expanded due to the rapid development of shipping.

The first paintings of the marine painters were made in the genre of historical battleism and told the townsfolk about the fearless sea campaigns and glorious battles of the famous galleys. Gradually, the types of sea battles and wrecks faded into the background, and the artists began to be interested exclusively in the water element itself and the variability of its states. Marinism is a popular trend in romantic landscape depicting the sea element in its various states or a person's struggle with it.

Russian marine painters

The artist who discovered marineism for Russia was I. K. Aivazovsky. No wonder the sages assured that it is always pleasant for a person to look at water and fire. The constantly changing sea, now stormy, now calm, its unique color and unbridled element - all this is reflected in the works of the great painter. The famous Russian marine painter left behind a huge cultural heritage. Most of the paintings by Aivazovsky are dedicated to the sea, now quiet and calm, flooded with the rays of the setting sun, now violent and stormy.

I. K. Aivazovsky is being developed already by the 40s of the 19th century. He is gradually moving away from the immutable classical rules for constructing a landscape, skillfully using and modernizing the experience of Claude Lorrain and Maxim Vorobiev. Finally, Aivazovsky creates picturesque marinas, where the stunning effects of water and foam, thin sea air and warm tones of the coast are conveyed by the skillful hand of a professional. Several large paintings "Among the Waves", "The Ninth Wave", "Black Sea" recreate the majestic image of the sea using a typical shipwreck plot.

Aivazovsky's paintings had a huge impact on Russian landscape painters, primarily on Bogolyubov, Bogaevsky, Kuindzhi, Lagorio. Among all marine painters, works by A. P. Bogolyubov, who praised the great Volga in his marinas, the banks of the Oka, the Black and Caspian Seas, the beauty of the Gulf of Finland.