What Is Zarathustra Famous For

What Is Zarathustra Famous For
What Is Zarathustra Famous For

Zarathustra is a legendary prophet, reformer and founder of the world religion of Zoroastrianism (Mazdeism). Zarathustra received the Revelation of Ahura Mazda and wrote it down in the form of the Avesta.

Iranian depiction of Zoroaster
Iranian depiction of Zoroaster

How Zarathustra Received the Revelation

Zarathustra, or more precisely Zoroaster, is a semi-legendary personality. Wikipedia says that there is no reliable evidence of his life, and all information about him is drawn from the religious tradition of the Zoroastrians. It is usually believed that the famous prophet was born in Iran or northern Azerbaijan. However, some researchers say that his place of birth is in the territory of modern Turkmenistan and even Russia.

The time of its activity is also not determined, but most researchers believe that it was the fifth-sixth century BC. e., which makes Zoroastrianism one of the oldest religions of revelation.

The Prophet was born into the family of Spitam, an ancient priestly family. At birth, Zoroaster did not burst into tears, but laughed, which became an omen of his future activities. His name has no deep meaning and only means "owner of old camels."

The names of his parents, three wives and six children are known. The Ghats of the Avesta do not mention Zoroaster as a holy righteous man and reproduce his speeches full of denunciations against the defenders of the old beliefs.

In his sermon, Zarathustra divided good and evil as two originally existing deities of Ormuzd and Ahriman in the world, having nothing in common with each other and waging an eternal struggle.

The Persian king found the teachings of Zarathustra attractive and allowed him to act as he saw fit. So the prophet made a grandiose reform of the entire Persian religion, making it logically understandable and attractive. Some deities from the pantheon of the ancient Aryans became Holy powers, others were less fortunate - they turned into evil demons.

Zarathustra died at the age of 77 alone at the peak of his glory, although Greek historians claimed that the prophet was incinerated by heavenly fire and was taken alive to heaven.

What is Zoroastrianism

The religion created by Zarathustra has survived to this day. The ethical teaching of Zarathustra is based on the pursuit of good in everything, you need to have light deeds, light thoughts and light deeds. Ancient Iran became the center of Zoroastrianism, where religion received the status of a state one. After the seizure of Iran by Muslims, Zoroastrianism was practically ousted by Islam, but even Islam in the former territories, where Zoroastrianism dominated, is professed in the version of Shiism. Currently, small communities of Zoroastrians have survived in Iran, Azerbaijan and India.

The Zoroastrians teach that at the end of time there will be three Saoshyants (saviors). Two of them will restore the teachings of Zarathustra, the third will act as a leader in the final battle with the forces of evil.

The beliefs of the Zoroastrians are little known today and are more exotic in nature. Europeans know the name of Zoroaster better from the book of the German philosopher "Thus Spoke Zarathustra", which had nothing to do with the historical Zarathustra. Of the famous Zoroastrians, perhaps only the deceased Queen frontman Freddie Mercury can be named.