Shtokolov Boris Timofeevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Shtokolov Boris Timofeevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Shtokolov Boris Timofeevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Boris Trofimovich Shtokolov is a Soviet singer who is known as a performer of classical Russian romances. And not only romances. Leading operatic parties and folk songs - this is also him.

Boris Shtokolov
Boris Shtokolov

The cultural field of any people, any country is made up of individuals of different scales. Boris Timofeevich Shtokolov, according to authoritative critics and experts, is rightfully listed in the galaxy of stars of the first magnitude. The singer and actor achieved this honorable status thanks to his talent and perseverance.

A man of Siberian temper

The biography of a guy from the hinterland could have developed in different ways. The Shtokolov family lived in harmony. Despite the harsh conditions of that time, the relationship between children and parents was goodwill. The hard work of housekeeping was carried out jointly. Each child, as they say, knew his own maneuver and his responsibilities. The famous singer in the future received the habits and skills necessary for adulthood at an early age. It is important to note that Boris's mother had a musical literacy and sang well. His father, a participant in the Civil War, was a professional military man. He knew from his own experience that diligence and accuracy in any business are imperative.

At what age Boris sang for the first time, history is silent. From the height of the present moment, this fact is not so important. A child who is surrounded by love and care is able to sing for any reason. The war rudely and mercilessly destroyed the way of life that had been taking shape over the years. My father volunteered for the front. He left and did not return. He died the death of the brave. And then the son, without any doubts, decided to link his fate with the navy. Receiving his first education, cadet Shtokolov successfully comprehended the basics of military science at the Jung school. Many representatives of the male part of the population know that the service is more fun with the song. At the marching shows, the cabin boys sang marching songs, and at short intervals, on vacation, they sang lyrical and comic songs.

Scene and destiny

The vocal data of Boris Shtokolov were noticed by the people around him immediately. The talented singer and Marshal of Victory Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov did not disregard. Someone regards this fact as a lucky break. However, there is also a more balanced formulation - this is an objective law. Superstitious people can say that the stars in the heavens have formed this way and fate in such situations is inevitable. Be that as it may, the young performer of romances, opera arias and folk songs in a short time received a positive assessment from experts and critics. Following the encouraging verdict came the recognition and love of a nationwide audience.

Shtokolov's work is multifaceted, and his career is brilliant. You can talk a lot about the singer's repertoire, for a long time and in different aspects. What are both novice critics and seasoned experts doing at all times. On our cramped Planet there is no theatrical stage, where his unique voice would not sound. Tour routes are marked on all continents. Many peaks have been conquered due to the fact that the wife of the great singer, Nadezhda Petrovna, throughout her life together, created favorable conditions for her husband to work. Personal life for great talent is almost always a vulnerable spot. The public doesn't need to know how their idol lives. Nadia and Boris have developed surprisingly warm relations and mutual understanding. The romances “I met you” and “Burn, burn, my star” are a clear confirmation of this.