Shein Oleg Vasilievich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Shein Oleg Vasilievich: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Shein Oleg Vasilievich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Oleg Shein, being a leftist political leader, confidently climbed the steps of his career. He knows well the work of the trade unions. Having become the people's choice, Oleg Vasilyevich paid a lot of attention to the social policy of the state and labor issues. For a long time Shein has been a member of the Presidium of the Central Council of the Fair Russia party.

Oleg Vasilievich Shein
Oleg Vasilievich Shein

From the biography of Oleg Vasilievich Shein

The future politician was born on March 21, 1972 in Astrakhan. Shein is from a family of employees. He is a historian by his main specialty. Behind him is the Astrakhan Pedagogical Institute. In 1994-1995, Oleg Vasilievich was a history teacher at a rural school.

Subsequently, Shein worked for two terms in the local regional representative assembly, where he dealt with issues of economic policy, law and order.

Oleg Shein continues to be interested in history even now. His area of interest is the history of the First World War and African studies. Shein has written several books on history.

In 2001, Shein got married. Karin Clement, a French citizen, sociologist and doctor of sciences, became his wife. The marriage lasted about eight years.

In 2015, Oleg Vasilievich married again. This time, Elena Tulupova, a Duma deputy from the Astrakhan region, became his chosen one.

Oleg Shein's political career

Back in the late 1980s, Oleg Shein joined the United Front of Workers. A few years later, he headed this association. In the mid-90s, Oleg Vasilyevich took an active part in the formation of the trade union movement.

In 1999, Shein became a deputy of the State Duma from the Astrakhan District. He worked as a member of the Committee on Labor and Social Policy.

In 2002, the media named Shein among those political leaders who seek to confuse voters with an abundance of parties and help capital keep the working people in check.

In 2003, Shein once again became the people's choice. This time in the Duma, he joined the Rodina faction, leaving behind all the same issues of social policy and labor.

A year later, Oleg Vasilyevich was elected chairman of the Party of Labor Solidarity. He has repeatedly criticized the law on political parties, which set a high bar for party membership: his party failed to register in 2005 due to its low membership. In the summer of 2005, Shein became a member of the Rodina party.

In the fall of 2006, several parties united into a bloc, and the Fair Russia party emerged. Shein headed its Astrakhan branch and entered the governing council of the political association. Shein has repeatedly applied for the post of mayor of Astrakhan, but the election results each time turned out to be not in favor of the politician.

Since 2012, Oleg Vasilievich has been taking part in opposition rallies. In 2018, he sharply criticized the pension reform deployed in the country. Shein calls his political views socialist and admits that the views of the German Social Democrats are close to him.
