The days when engaging and useful texts were printed on wrapping paper are long gone. A modern book, in its physical essence, is a complex, high-tech product. However, the main masters remain the writer and the editor. Elena Shubina has been working as an editor at the publishing house for many years.

Starting conditions
Each profession has its own secrets, its attractive and repulsive sides. Students who love literature as a subject most often dream of becoming writers or journalists. Elena Danilovna Shubina chose the profession of an editor. The decision, at first glance, is unexpected, but quite natural. The girl was born on August 17, 1952 in an intelligent family. At that time, the parents lived in the Moscow region. In the house, besides other furniture, there were two bookcases.
Lena learned the letters early and began to read. It was the love of reading, instilled in a child in a timely manner, that shaped her life path. The girl studied well at school. It is not surprising that her favorite subjects were Russian language and literature. Having received a certificate of maturity, Shubina entered the philological faculty of Moscow State University. Student practice took place in the famous publishing house "Soviet Writer". She got her first editorial skills in the department of criticism and literary criticism.
Professional activity
In 1975, having received a specialized education, Elena Shubina came to the editorial office of the Literaturnoye Obozreniye magazine. In those years, the printing press, so to speak, was working at full capacity. Books of various authors and genres were sent to shops and libraries. The average reader found it difficult to navigate the flow of information. To help a person with a certain taste and level of intelligence, the staff of the magazine wrote reviews of works and wrote extensive reviews of books that came out of the printing house.
In the magazine Druzhba Narodov, Shubina was in charge of the prose department. The specifics of the work were completely different. She had to read the works of the authors and decide whether to publish or refuse. It is especially difficult to evaluate the creativity of young writers. In this case, the editor needs broad erudition and, as they say, well-read. Until a certain moment, Elena Danilovna did not even suspect that reading novels, stories and stories is hard work. Over time, the competent editor was approved as a member of the jury that awards the Big Book Prize.
Essays on personal life
The career of a literary critic and editor was quite successful. Most of the books that Elena Danilovna recommended for publication were in demand among readers. Shubina conducted regular research and was aware of how the book market lives. In the spring of 2012, the publishing house "AST" made certain changes - the "Editorial Board of Elena Shubina" appeared in the structure. Among other things, it was a recognition of publishing excellence and talent.
About her personal life in the biography of Elena Shubina it is said that she was married to Peter Shubin. The husband and wife worked in the same field - the husband worked in the publishing house "Soviet Writer". He passed away in 1983. Elena Danilovna Shubina continues her noble work.