Voloshina Vera Danilovna: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Voloshina Vera Danilovna: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Voloshina Vera Danilovna: Biography, Career, Personal Life

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Vera Danilovna Voloshina - Red Army soldier of the sabotage and reconnaissance group of the headquarters of the western front. With the beginning of the war, she was thrown into the rear of the German troops, where in November 1941 she was captured and executed. She was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War.

Voloshina Vera Danilovna: biography, career, personal life
Voloshina Vera Danilovna: biography, career, personal life


Vera was born in September 1919 on the thirtieth in the Siberian town of Scheglovsk (modern Kemerovo). From an early age, she began to engage in athletics and gymnastics. During her school years, she repeatedly won city competitions. In 1937, she graduated from the tenth grade and went to Moscow, where she entered the Institute of Physical Culture. She also started shooting and getting involved in art.

In winter, in a group of other freshmen, I went to a sports camp, which was based near Serpukhov. There she became very ill and was treated for a long time, but due to complications she was forced to leave her studies at the sports institute. Nevertheless, she did not go home, but returned to Moscow. This time she entered the Moscow Institute of Trade. She also managed to get into the group of cadets of the Chkalov flying club.

In 1941, together with her friends, she did an internship in Zagorsk near Moscow. In June, the girls picked up a white dress for Vera, she was preparing to arrange her personal life - to marry childhood friend Yuri Dvuzhilny. On June 22, Voloshin, having learned about the beginning of the war, voluntarily enlisted in the Red Army.

War and doom

After mobilization, she was assigned to military unit number 9903 of the reconnaissance department of the western front. After completing a short course, already on October 21 I went to the first assignment. In total, Voloshina had six successful sabotage and reconnaissance operations.

In November, a replenishment arrived at the unit, in which Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was. The girls quickly became friends and on the 21st they were sent for a joint operation. Two groups under the command of Boris Krainov and Pavel Provorov were to destroy a dozen villages in which the Nazis were quartered. On the front line, both groups came under heavy fire and, dispersed, continued to carry out their assigned tasks.

Near the village of Golovkovo, Voloshin's group stumbled upon a fascist ambush, and after the shelling, Vera disappeared. Her comrades tried to find the girl, or at least her corpse in the morning, but the attempts ended in failure. For a long time, nothing was known about her fate. After a long search in 1957, journalist G. N. Frolov was able to find the burial place of Vera Voloshina, and also learned from local residents how she died. According to witnesses, the Nazis tortured the poor girl for a long time, and after unsuccessful interrogations they decided to hang her.


In 1966, Vera Danilovna Voloshina was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the first degree.

In May 1994, Voloshina was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation posthumously.
