What Are The Consequences Of The Fascist Regime

What Are The Consequences Of The Fascist Regime
What Are The Consequences Of The Fascist Regime

World War II was the largest conflict in human history. One way or another, 61 states took part in it. The fascist war machine was defeated by the efforts of the allied coalition, in which the USSR, the USA and Great Britain played the main role.

What are the consequences of the fascist regime
What are the consequences of the fascist regime

Redistribution of Germany

After World War II, the victorious states divided Germany into four zones of occupation. Three of them came under the influence of the countries of the Western world - the USA, Great Britain and France. One went to the USSR. In 1949, three parts belonging to the sphere of influence of Western countries formed the state of the Federal Republic of Germany (Federal Republic of Germany), and the Soviet region was named the GDR (German Democratic Republic).

The fascist regime inflicted the deepest trauma not only on Germany, but on the whole world.

Germany was obliged to fulfill the plan of restitution and reparations to the countries that suffered from her aggression.

The occupation troops were stationed directly in the country itself. Their status of “winners” was determined in many cases by their disdain for the civilian population.

Economic and social consequences of fascism

Germany's economy and infrastructure were almost completely destroyed. According to the plan of the American Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, the equipment of a number of industrial enterprises was destroyed. A complete demilitarization of the country was carried out. Since the German economy at that time was focused more on solving military issues, this led to an economic disaster. The unemployment rate rose sharply. Six months after the end of the war, the reduction in production capacity was 75%.

During World War II, 95 million people were disabled, 66 million were killed or exterminated in concentration camps. For many years, any right-wing parties were compromised.

The civilian mortality rate has increased dramatically. The economic consequences of the destruction of industry manifested itself in widespread famine. The inflation rate has reached unprecedented heights. The country was literally in ruins. 9 million Germans were resettled from East Prussia to Germany. The standard of living has on average decreased by one third.

As a result of the huge losses of the male population during the war years, the problem of the lack of leading personnel arose extremely acute. The problem was aggravated by the fact that, according to Nazi ideology, women were excluded from social activities. Her duties included only housekeeping and raising children. Thus, the majority of women did not have sufficient professional skills and knowledge to fill the resulting “personnel gap”.