Shale Gas And What Consequences Of Its Production Await Ukraine

Shale Gas And What Consequences Of Its Production Await Ukraine
Shale Gas And What Consequences Of Its Production Await Ukraine

A number of European countries have introduced a ban on shale gas exploration due to imperfect technology, as well as the presence of a real threat to the environment. However, in Ukraine, the issue of shale gas production is being worked out with might and main.

Drilling rig
Drilling rig

The exploration of shale gas fields is being developed at the Oleskoye and Yuzovskoye fields, which affects many regions - Ternopil, Lvov, Ivano-Frankovsk, Donetsk, Kharkiv. The western part of the country can still hold back attempts to explore gas deposits with the help of local councils, which are concerned about environmental risks. The Pervomaisky District of the Kharkiv Region is already being developed by gas producers from Shell.

What is shale gas?

Shale gas is the same natural gas produced from oil shale. It consists mainly of methane. Since LNG is located in a rock with low porosity, it cannot be produced in the usual way. Its extraction is carried out with the simultaneous application of three technologies: directional-horizontal drilling, undermining at several stages and seismic-type modeling.

Among other things, this fuel has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, it is a high cost (compared to traditional gas). Secondly, it cannot be transported over long distances. In third place among the shortcomings is the rapid depletion of deposits. Also, the disadvantages include a small share of proven fuel reserves in the total volume and real environmental risks from gas production.

Why is shale gas mining dangerous?

Most likely, the presence of gas deposits in the country and the desire to make money on it on the part of other powers had a significant impact on the situation in Ukraine.

According to the professor of UGHTU, William Zadorskiy, if shale gas in Slavyansk starts to be produced using hydraulic fracturing technology, the ecology will worsen to a significant degree. Let me remind you that the foreign companies that will be engaged in gas production have already been identified.

The development of gas fields will lead to adverse consequences:

- Groundwater contamination will occur, as the chemical reagents used by the technology will get into the artesian water;

- The soil and the ground in general will be subject to destructive processes. Earthquakes and seismic activity are possible;

- Due to the release of hydrocarbons and 369 substances into the atmosphere, many of which are toxic, air pollution will occur;

- The soil will sink in the areas where hydraulic fracturing is carried out.

At the moment of hydraulic fracturing, the pumping stations pump in the “fracturing fluid”: water, gel or acid. Proppant agents and acid are used to keep the fractures open. They penetrate the aquifers, polluting them. The myth about the safety of gas production should be debunked.

If we consider the fact of soil subsidence, then it can sink to a distance of over 10 meters. Fracturing fractures can propagate upward, increasing the risk of contamination of groundwater with methane or injected fluid. Shale gas production technology is dangerous to humans. The environment will be seriously damaged by gas production.
