What Is Fascism

What Is Fascism
What Is Fascism

Physics, mathematics and other kinds of exact sciences are wonderful in that in them any problem has a single answer, and is defined in a completely clear way. Unfortunately, humanitarian knowledge cannot boast of the same: any term can be understood in dozens of variants, and it strongly depends on the interpretation of a particular person.

What is fascism
What is fascism

Etymologically, the term "fascism" comes from the word "bundle", "bundle", and does not at all imply a misanthropic coloration. By its very first definition, it is "a state ideology that emphasizes the unification of government, church and people under the leadership of a leader." First of all, this means a centralized economic model, government interference in most areas of public life, control of the arts and the abolition of free speech. Using this definition and making several assumptions, even the Soviet regime (which is done by some historians) can be called fascism, it is true, with a certain stretch. However, the movement that originated in Italy under the leadership of B. Mussolini was most developed in Germany in the 40s, giving rise to one of the most terrifying phenomena in world history. Today's historians note that fascist regimes are rapidly gaining strength in states in a state of economic or political crisis. German fascism has acquired many new features that were not originally envisioned. First of all - a clear denial of communist ideas and radical nationalism. The center of ideology is the concept of "revival of the people", the dream of creating a superman, absolute confidence in the perfection of one's own nation and the insignificance of most of the rest. It is important to note that the aforementioned Mussolini often criticized such radicalism of German politics. Of course, speaking of fascism, one cannot ignore the Second World War, which, according to many, was provoked by the German regime and personally by Adolf Hitler. However, ideology had little direct impact on the course of the war - it manifested itself in the territories of the already captured countries, mainly in the form of persecution of Jews and other nationalities. The main result of the Second World War can be considered the imparting of a bright negative connotation to the term "fascism" and the de facto prohibition of fascist regimes in most countries of the world.