In June 2018, a new prime minister appeared in Italy. It was an experienced lawyer Giuseppe Conte. His nomination became possible after the adoption by the leading political forces of the country of the agreement on the creation of a coalition government. The new head of the Cabinet of Ministers loves football and owns his own firm.

From the biography of Giuseppe Conte
The future Prime Minister of Italy was born in the city of Volturara-Appula, which is located in the south of the country. Giuseppe's birthday is August 8, 1964.
Conte's father was the secretary of the municipal council, his mother worked as a teacher. Subsequently, the family moved from Giuseppe's hometown to San Giovanni Rotondo. Giuseppe studied only with excellent marks. He loved to play football and often acted as a team coach. Childhood friends recall that Giuseppe was religious from a young age.

In 1988 Conte graduated with honors from the Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Law. In 1992, he completed a professional internship at Yale University (USA), in 2000, an internship at the Sorbonne, and then at Cambridge (2001).
Conte is the author of several monographs. He penned scientific articles on various types of law. Giuseppe enjoys tennis and is an avid fan of Roma football club. Conte is divorced. He has a son.

First steps in your career
After graduating from the University, Conte becomes a member of the government commission for the reform of the Italian civil code. The aim of this reform was to introduce uniform legal regulation of social enterprises and non-profit organizations.
In the following years, Giuseppe taught different types of law at several universities.
Since 2006, Conte has supervised courses at the Luiss Business School and has also supervised specialization courses at the Faculty of Law at the University of Florence.
In 2009, Conte was included in a group of consultants to the Italian government that was developing a crisis management reform for large enterprises.
Then Giuseppe became a member of the board of directors of the country's space agency. From 2012 to 2015, he participated in the Financial Banking Arbitration. After that, he was included in the Council on Legal Affairs under the President of Italy.
Conte is a member of the Rome Bar Association. He is also a lawyer at the Supreme Court of Cassation and also runs his own law firm.

The path to the top of power
Following the results of the parliamentary elections in Italy in the spring of 2018, the participants in the pre-election race decided to form a coalition government. So that the two winning parties could reach an agreement, they nominated a person who was not a member of any of the parties as a candidate for the post of prime minister of the country. This candidate was Giuseppe Conte.
In May 2018, representatives of the ubiquitous press discovered a lot of mistakes in Conte's official biography. Questions have arisen regarding his internship at New York University. The fact is that the American The New York Times published a statement from a representative of the educational institution, which indicated that a man named Giuseppe Conte had never been listed as a student or teacher in the university's documents. However, it turned out that Conte could well have attended short-term courses, the data on which are not included in the archive.
The point about an internship at the International Institute of Culture in Vienna also raised doubts: this is a purely linguistic educational institution. It also turned out that in 2013 Conte defended the interests of a sick girl and obtained permission to use a method of treating neurodegenerative diseases, which had not been clinically tested. The author of the technique was subsequently expelled from the scientific community.
The journalists did not find data about Conte and in the database of the world-famous Sorbonne. In addition, the future prime minister did not indicate a specific university that is part of this ramified educational system.
Conte also officially claimed to have lectured on banking law at the University of Malta in 1997. However, there was no actual confirmation of this. Conte is believed to have worked in one of the programs of the Foundation for International Education, with which the University of Malta has a cooperation agreement.
Ignoring minor biographical inconsistencies, Italian President Mattarella at the end of May 2018 invited Conte to become the head of the cabinet. However, four days later, Conte returned his mandate. In the draft government, he was not satisfied with the candidacy of the Minister of Economy: economist Paolo Savona was known for his "anti-European" views. For this reason, Conte refused to accept the authority to form a new government.
As a result, the leaders who received the main votes in the elections agreed on another version of the coalition government. On June 1, 2018, President Mattarella approved a new cabinet of ministers, headed by Conte. All members of the government took the due oath and got down to work.

Prime Minister of Italy
In June 2018, Conte participates in the G7 Summit in Canada. Here he immediately attracted attention, since he was the only European participant who supported Donald Trump's statement on the restoration of the G8 with the inclusion of Russia.
At the end of June of the same year, at a meeting of the leaders of the European Union, Conte participated in making decisions related to immigration policy. The purpose of the changes in the legislation is to relieve the burden on states that are forced to be the first to accept immigrants. Conte advocated the organization of special migration centers outside Europe.