Is It Permissible To Barbecue In The Courtyard Of An Apartment Building

Is It Permissible To Barbecue In The Courtyard Of An Apartment Building
Is It Permissible To Barbecue In The Courtyard Of An Apartment Building

Warm days always encourage you to relax in the fresh air, preparing barbecue traditional for such a rest. But often, someone does not manage to go to the dacha, while someone simply does not. Resourceful citizens found a way out of the situation in the fact that they fry kebabs right in the courtyard of their house. And we are not talking about private mansions or cottages - people bring barbecues to the adjacent territory of ordinary high-rise buildings.

Is it permissible to barbecue in the courtyard of an apartment building
Is it permissible to barbecue in the courtyard of an apartment building

The question of whether it is permissible to barbecue in the courtyard of an apartment building is quite ambiguous from a moral point of view. When you do it yourself, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. However, when someone else prepares kebabs under your windows, it immediately causes irritation. This is probably why people on the Internet more often ask themselves where to complain about their neighbors, rather than looking for information about how legal it is.

Possible consequences

As such, there are no fire safety rules prohibiting barbecue in the yard. And punishment threatens only if citizens make an open fire, that is, they cook meat on a fire, and not in a grill. Then they may receive a warning or even write out a fine - from one to one and a half thousand rubles. This can only be done by a police officer, who is usually called by disgruntled neighbors. After their appeal, a check is carried out, on the basis of which a decision is made regarding barbecue lovers.

As such, the police practically do not receive any complaints that someone is grilling a barbecue in the yard. However, such a vacation is often associated with the noisy fun of large companies, and this is another moment. In fact, the police have nothing to show people peacefully roasting meat if they behave quietly and do not drink alcohol. In a situation where they begin to wash down the barbecue with beer or something stronger, then they can already be brought to administrative responsibility under Part 1 of Art. 20.20 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation and write out a fine.

It turns out that frying meat in your yard is a very real opportunity. The main thing is to comply with all the necessary requirements.

We fry barbecue in the yard

Shish kebab recipes - a lot. And there is only one way for frying in the courtyard of an apartment building. The first and basic rule: meat must be fried in a grill or some other special facility. Open fire is not allowed. Second, you must be at least seven meters from houses or garages. Third and last, you should have a ten-liter bucket of water, or even better, a small fire extinguisher. Provided you follow all these simple instructions, you will not face a fine.

In addition, care should be taken to ensure that the height of the fire is not more than half a meter. If the wind rises outside, then the flame should be extinguished immediately.

Thus, your desire to fry a barbecue in your yard will not meet any prohibitions. Legislative, anyway. But how the neighbors will react to such a situation depends largely on your relationship with them.
