It is not at all difficult to invite a close friend to a meeting, but even here difficulties may arise if the meeting is of some special format - business, for example. If you need to call a person whom you met recently and still do not know well, just an acquaintance, then you need to be doubly careful.

Step 1
First, decide what kind of acquaintance you are. Have you seen him only once or have you already formed your opinion about him? Is this person of the opposite sex or the same person with you? The specifics of the invitation to be sent will also depend on these parameters. You should also take into account the specifics of the upcoming meeting. Business negotiations, a friendly party, a meeting “without ties” - all these varieties have their own requirements for the design of both oral and written invitations.
Step 2
So, you want to invite a friend to a business meeting. First, you need to use a business style. You can roll a note to your friend, where there will be some intricate metaphors, and he will understand you. A letter to a business partner should not contain such allegories. Everything should be very clear: what kind of meeting, what is it dedicated to, what is expected of the invitee. Do not forget about etiquette formulas: special polite expressions so that you are not suspected of being rude.
Step 3
If the meeting to which you invite is informal and familiar - it is more of a future friend than a business partner, then you can afford humor, original design, riddles. Just be careful: it is better to find out in advance whether this acquaintance likes jokes, and if he does, what kind. It will not hurt to find out more about this person in any case: it may be better to write something like a business invitation, and then the person will come to you, and if you start experimenting with illustrations and jokes, he will think that you are making fun of him.
Step 4
Note that a person of the opposite sex must be treated with much more tact. Therefore, if you do not know the woman you are writing to or to whom you are addressing, then it is better to write something like an official letter and in no case make jokes that may be misunderstood. The situation is aggravated if she is married or engaged. The same precautions should be taken in relation to men, especially married ones, if the invitation is made by a girl.