How To Arrange A Meeting

How To Arrange A Meeting
How To Arrange A Meeting

Table of contents:


If people want to be heard, they have the right to hold mass events, expressing their own opinions and putting forward various demands. This can take the form of a demonstration, meeting, procession, dive, or rally.

How to arrange a meeting
How to arrange a meeting

It is necessary

passport, equipment for the meeting (megaphone, posters)


Step 1

Define the idea of the meeting. It can be both concretely formulated and abstract.

Step 2

Determine the location of the upcoming meeting. As a rule, they are selected in accordance with the main objectives of the event. However, special conditions apply for actions held on the territory of cultural and historical monuments, as well as objects of transport infrastructure. Public events in areas adjacent to hazardous industrial facilities, courts, prisons, residences of the President of the Russian Federation, railways, power lines, pipelines, overpasses and border zones are prohibited.

Step 3

Determine the date and time of the meeting. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the rally cannot start earlier than 7 am, and also end later than 11 pm.

Step 4

Submit a notice of the rally to local authorities or to the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. This document must be submitted no later than 10 days, and no earlier than 15 days before the date of the event. The notification must indicate the purpose and form of the event; date, time and place of its holding, the estimated number of participants (better with a margin); a description of the forms and methods by which the organizer plans to ensure public order.

Step 5

It is also necessary to enter the name of the organizer of the public event or his full name; Name of persons whom the organizer authorized to perform administrative functions regarding the organization and conduct of the rally; date of notification. The notification must be completed in two copies, one of which must be returned to the organizer with a note of the date of acceptance.

Step 6

Conduct citizens' agitation. You can find participants through friends or through social networks. From the moment the notification is submitted, the organizer has the right to publicly call upon citizens to participate in the rally by handing out leaflets, using verbal appeals and the media.

Step 7

Prepare the necessary symbols for the meeting. Draw posters, if necessary, find sound-reproducing equipment, for example, a megaphone.

Step 8

Hold a meeting. Remember that all participants must have their passports with them, and the event itself must end no later than the deadline.
