Olga Vasilieva: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Olga Vasilieva: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Olga Vasilieva: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Representatives of the older generation who are still alive remember well the times when young people were taught a very specific specialty in secondary school and in a higher educational institution. Many graduates, along with a certificate of maturity, received a driver's license or an electrician's license. After graduation, the graduate became involved in the production process or engaged in scientific research. Today, all educational institutions, regardless of rank, are busy preparing qualified consumers. And who will create products for consumption in Russia? The question is open, and Olga Yuryevna Vasilyeva, the current Minister of Education of the Russian Federation, is trying to answer it.

Olga Vasilieva
Olga Vasilieva

A child prodigy at a music school

When a person chooses a girlfriend for one meeting or in order to spend a vacation together on the shore of a warm ocean, he is interested in the external data of the lady. More detailed information is collected in the event that it comes time to choose a wife. The hostess in the house needs a balanced character, observation, ingenuity and high efficiency. When recruiting employees for a specific company, professional training and the availability of certain skills are taken into account. Features of character and temperament, if taken into account, then in the very last resort.

How the candidate for the post of minister is chosen for the Russian man in the street and the consumer can only guess. By and large, this is not his business either. Over the past twenty years, only the lazy has not commented on the quality of education in the country's educational institutions. Of course, there is a real basis for critical judgments and comments. However, it must be admitted that the process is developing in accordance with the logic of events in the country. All hydrolysis plants operating in the Soviet Union were liquidated. Weaving factories were destroyed. This is done in order not to distract people from the consumer process.


In such a situation, what can the Minister of Education Olga Yuryevna Vasilyeva change? There is no single answer to this question. After looking at her biography, you can say for sure that she is not a sorceress. An ordinary person who was born on January 13, 1960 in an intelligent family. Since childhood, the girl was brought up in a work ethic. Father, a mathematician, as was customary in Soviet times, was fond of history and literature. It can be said that he learned the history of his native country through the available literary sources. It was he who made a significant contribution to the formation of the character and worldview of his daughter.

In the rough language of the layman, Olga grew up as a child prodigy. At fourteen, she graduated from high school as an external student. It is important to emphasize that by this age, the girl did not have a clear idea of her future profession or field of activity. By this time, the family had already lived in the capital and the "early maturing" graduate entered the Moscow Institute of Culture. Not to say that she was attracted by musical creativity, it was just that this university was located close to home. At the age of 19, Vasilieva received a diploma of her first higher education. And she went to work as a music and singing teacher in a regular high school.


Scientific career

Three years later, consciously and in full health, Vasilyeva enters the capital's humanitarian university, which bore the name of Sholokhov. Learning, as always, is easy. In 1987, having received a diploma of a history teacher, Olga Yurievna became a postgraduate student at the Institute of History of the USSR at the Academy of Sciences. Within the walls of this academic institution, her scientific career began. It is very important for a young researcher to choose a topic for a dissertation and a reputable leader. By that time, the perestroika processes had already thoroughly shaken the dogmas of the classical Marxist approach. It became possible to talk about the influence of the church on the worldview of the Soviet people.

After careful analysis and selection, Vasilyeva took up the development of the topic of the interaction between the Soviet government and the Russian Orthodox Church during the Great Patriotic War. Previously, such topics were only discussed in the scientific community, but Olga Vasilyeva was the first to decide to bring the hidden layer of history into the plane of scientific discussion. Her work was supervised by renowned historians and social scientists. The defense of the dissertation passed without hindrances and vulgar accusations of clericalism. And this fact opened up a new direction for research. Vasilieva gives lectures to students, in which she reveals previously inaccessible facts and events in relations between the state and the church.


In 1998, Vasilieva defended her doctoral dissertation. Her work in the scientific field was appreciated and two years later she was invited to head the department at the Academy of Public Service. In parallel with the organization of the educational process, she gives lectures at the Sretensky Theological Seminary. On the advice of her colleagues, Olga Yurievna graduated from the Russian Diplomatic Academy in 2007. In 2012, she was invited to the Department of Culture of the Government of the Russian Federation as a director.

Ministerial chair

The experience of the apparatus work in the upper echelons of power is worth a lot. Even in all respects, a trained specialist in a narrow field of knowledge may not be able to cope with the responsibilities assigned to him. Olga Yurievna Vasilyeva coped with it. Moreover, she was able to identify bottlenecks in the workflow and make a rational proposal to improve the mechanism. The personnel service of the government closely monitors the activities of candidates for positions of responsibility. In the fall of 2014, the Prime Minister nominated Olga Vasilyeva for the post of Minister of Education and Science for consideration by the President. The decree was signed on the same day.


In 2018, the structure subordinate to Vasilyeva was divided in two - the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science. Olga Yurievna remained at the head of the Ministry of Education. I must say a few words about the personal life of the minister. She was married. Judging by indirect evidence, the husband and wife did not live under the same roof for long. The daughter stayed with her mother and today is already a mature person. But I haven't found a life partner yet. Apparently poor maternal inheritance.