Ozodbek Nazarbekov is known in Uzbekistan as a singer and statesman. For many years his songs have been heard at national festivals and holidays of the republican scale. There is little information in the press about the earliest years of the artist's life. Little is also known about his personal life, which Ozodbek carefully protects from prying eyes.

From the biography of the singer
Journalists don't know too much about the early period of Ozodbek Nazarbekov's life. It is known that he studied performing skills with Mukhriddin Kholikov, a popular Uzbek singer. Nazarbekov also received professional training at the Institute of Arts (2003-2007). Here he earned a master's degree.
Ozodbek's path to the stage began in 1994. The very first steps in songwriting brought him success. The singer was immediately invited to celebrations and events of a national scale. Here Nazarbekov successfully performed compositions of his own composition. Ozodbek's songs were performed at the Constitution Day and the Navruz holiday.
Ozodbek began his professional solo career in 2002. The performer's concerts increased his popularity. Nazarbekov also tried himself in the role of the author of compositions. His songs sound in movies. More than once Ozodbek performed in tandem with other artists. Among them are popular singers Y. Usmanova and Dilsuz, singers D. Kutuzov, O. Safarov, A. Khayum.
Long-term active work on the stage bore fruit: gradually Ozodbek won the fame of one of the most powerful performers in his homeland. Nazarbekov is the People's Artist of the Republic, the owner of a number of prestigious awards. In 2010, Ozodbek was recognized as the "Performer of the Year".
Further career of O. Nazarbekov
Climbing the steps of a career, Nazarbekov did not escape scandals. In 2016, the singer Kaniza publicly accused Ozodbek of using the results of her work. In fact, it was about the charge of theft of intellectual property. Kaniza claimed that the ideas for the videos and songs belonged to her, although Nazarbekov did not directly borrow the music and words of her compositions.
In 2017-2019 Ozodbek did not stop doing creative work. He gave concerts in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, becoming a kind of "messenger of friendship". In the summer of 2017, Nazarbekov became the head of the Yoshlar television channel. One of the projects he promoted was a program on the problems of the young generation. The director of the channel also had other interesting ideas.
In August 2018, a new stage in the career of an Uzbek performer began: he was appointed to the post of deputy head of the Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan. However, the high appointment does not prevent Ozodbek from doing what he loves. He continues to perform in public. The singer emphasizes that in his work he intends to pay attention to working with the younger generation, on which the future of the country largely depends.
The Uzbek singer does not talk about his personal life. But some pages of Nazarbekov's biography opened a little when Instagram appeared. Journalists soon found out that in 2017, Ozodbek Akhmadovich married his youngest daughter. The artist and composer's family, judging by the photos on social networks, is big. And he has already become a grandfather.