Rina Grishina: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Rina Grishina: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Rina Grishina: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Rina Grishina is a young but already popular domestic actress. She not only acts in films. She also managed to demonstrate her talents on the theater stage. Such projects as "Kitchen" and "Policeman from Rublyovka" brought her popularity.

Actress Rina Grishina
Actress Rina Grishina

The popular girl was born in mid-August, in 1987. This event took place in a small village called Naro-Fominsk. She lived in this town for only a few years - her parents decided to move to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, where my father became interested in fishing.

In her childhood, Rina did not even think about becoming an actress. She attended a ballet studio, dreaming of connecting her life with dancing. However, trauma ruined everything. Reena tore the ligaments under her knee.

During the year, the girl had to undergo several operations. The latter was made in St. Petersburg, where the family moved so that Rina could enter a ballet studio. But when the plaster cast was removed from the leg, it turned out that miniature girls were no longer in demand in ballet.

In addition to dancing, Rina was fond of music. She attended a corresponding school, where she learned to play musical instruments.

At the age of 13, the girl began performing at the Zazerkalye theater. She played mainly in the morning performances. Because of this, I had to transfer to an external school. Rina has repeatedly said in interviews that she still does not know how to live in such a busy schedule and keep up with everything.

And then a tragedy struck in the family. Rina's father died. Mom had to get a job in several jobs. To help her, the actress got a job at the theater in which she previously performed.

Hard student life

While studying at school, Rina learned about the recruitment to the Youth Theater for the course of S. Spivak. To enter as an auditor, she completed grades 10 and 11 as an external student. 60 people were recruited for the course. As a result, 30 of them were left. There was no place for Rina among them.

The next year, the actress skipped the set. The stubborn girl refused to give up. Reena firmly believed in success. She got a job as a property manager at the Baltic House, worked as a waitress and was preparing for admission.

However, for the third time, she was unable to cope with the exams. This failure she took most painfully. She decided to enroll in the course of scenographers. However, only a few lessons were enough. Reena realized that this was not the case for her.

Then the girl waited for the next enrollment in the theater academy, submitted documents, successfully coped with the exams and entered the course of Sergei Cherkassky.

The student years were difficult. Money was sorely lacking. Therefore, Rina got a job as a cleaner at the theater academy. Then she began to work as a night dispatcher in a car wash.

In her third year, she was finally allowed to act in films and perform on stage, so Rina, without hesitation, left all work. After graduating from the theater academy, the girl moved to Moscow.

Film career

Rina Grishina got her first role during her studies. She appeared in a small episode in the motion picture "Called Baron". It happened in 2001. She played her debut leading role in the detective project "SOS". Over the next few years, Rina Grishina actively starred in a variety of films, receiving mostly episodic and secondary roles.

Rina Grishina attended a ballet studio
Rina Grishina attended a ballet studio

They began to recognize the girl after the release of the multi-part film project "Kitchen". She first appeared in season 5 as a girl named Svetlana. In the same way she appeared before the audience in the film project “Hotel“Eleon”.

The popularity of Rina Grishina has increased several times after the release of the third season of the multi-part film "Policeman from Rublyovka". Before her fans, the girl appeared in the guise of a law enforcement officer Alice. She also appeared in season 4. In the role of Alice, the girl can also be seen in the full-length film “Policeman from Rublyovka. New Year's chaos ".

Among the most popular film projects, in which Rina Grishina starred, it is worth highlighting such films as “Champions. Faster. Above. Stronger”,“Klim”,“Line of Light”,“Standards of Beauty”. In addition to working on the set, Rina Grishina is engaged in voice acting.

Off-set success

Rina Grishina does not like to talk about her personal life either with journalists or with fans. It is known that she was married. But the relationship gradually fell apart. Now she has a young man with whom she feels good and without a stamp in her passport. She did not disclose his name, but clarified that he was not an actor.

Rina Grishina as Alice
Rina Grishina as Alice

In his free time from filming, he performs in the musical troupe "Sister Peter", playing the double bass. Also, the young actress is fond of jazz step. And yoga and contrast showers help her cope with stress.
