What Is The District Coefficient

What Is The District Coefficient
What Is The District Coefficient

The regional coefficient is a specific indicator that determines the degree of increase in wages or other payments associated with the implementation of labor activities in difficult conditions. In what cases is it used?

What is the district coefficient
What is the district coefficient

The regional coefficient is a multiplier used when recalculating wages and other payments to persons working in difficult climatic conditions. At the same time, the practice of applying the regional coefficient was formed in the USSR, but its application is carried out in modern Russia as well.

The concept of the regional coefficient and the history of its origin

For the first time, the concept of a regional coefficient was introduced in the Soviet Union in 1964: it was used to recalculate the wages of employees of organizations employed mainly in the oil and gas industry and extended to part of the territories of the Yamal-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi national districts. Today, the list of territories subject to the regional coefficient is much wider: in addition to the regions of the Far North, it includes part of the northern territories of the European part of Russia, as well as some regions of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East. At the same time, however, the value of the regional coefficient in these territories is differentiated depending on the real complexity of climatic conditions. So, today the range of regional coefficients used in Russia ranges from 1, 1 to 2, 0.

The regional coefficient applies to all wages in the region, regardless of their size. In addition, the specified coefficient is used not only to recalculate wages, but also when calculating other payments related to its size, for example, vacation pay and the like.

Legal framework for applying the regional coefficient

Despite the fact that a significant part of the territories of the Russian Federation falls under the application of regional coefficients, the legislative base of this instrument remains heterogeneous today and requires further elaboration. So, the main normative legal act governing the application of the regional coefficient is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2006 "On regional coefficients used in the establishment of labor pensions and pensions for state pensions for persons residing in the Far North and equated to them. localities, as well as in areas with severe climatic conditions. " It, in turn, legitimizes the use of not only regional normative legal acts, but also the laws of the times of the USSR, as a legal basis for calculating regional coefficients. As a result, several dozen different documents are currently in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, which determine the size of regional coefficients in individual regions.
