The modern economy does not recognize state borders. Today in Russia you can buy goods and pay for services in foreign currency. Some experts consider this state of affairs to be dangerous for the country. Among them is Vyacheslav Zhukovsky.

Starting conditions
To understand the meaning of the processes taking place in the financial markets, it is necessary to obtain specialized education and practical skills. A significant part of the people who own securities do not have relevant experience. According to the established practice, they are assisted by exchange and financial analysts. Vyacheslav Sergeevich Zhukovsky was born on July 30, 1988 in an intelligent family. Parents lived in Moscow. My father held a responsible position at Vneshtorg. Mother worked as a foreign language teacher at the famous Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO).

In his early years, Vyacheslav did not stand out from the children around him. When the boy was seven years old, he was enrolled in a school with in-depth study of the English language. Zhukovsky studied well. He actively participated in social life and sports events. In high school, he began to show a serious interest in economics and related disciplines. After graduating from school in 2005, he entered the economics department of MGIMO. In 2009 he completed his studies and received a bachelor's degree in economics. Then he graduated from the magistracy with a degree in international financial institutions.

Professional activity
Having received a specialized education, Zhukovsky began his practical activity in the investment company Rikom-Trust. For several years, he has been providing brokerage services in the stock market. In parallel with this, he was listed as an expert on securities of the all-Russian organization Delovaya Rossiya. In the late 2000s, the Russian economy had not yet recovered from the 2008 crisis. Zhukovsky, speaking in various mass media, offered his own methods of overcoming the crisis phenomena. He entered into heated discussions with representatives of the country's government.

At the moment, Zhukovsky positions himself as a consistent critic of the economic policy pursued by the Russian government. On the eve of the pension reform, he published an article entitled “What the Pension Calculator Will Say. In Russia, the poor pay for the rich. With figures in hand and quotes from legislative acts, the expert proves that 80% of poor pensioners finance 20% of the rich. Opponents answer him as best they can, but the real situation in the economy does not change.

Recognition and privacy
In recent months, Zhukovsky's popularity as a political and economic consultant has grown markedly. He holds regular meetings with citizens on television channels and on the Internet. Zhukovsky makes a great contribution to the work of the Stolypin Club.
The career of a public figure is developing successfully for Zhukovsky. What can not be said about personal life. He does not answer questions about whether he has a wife.