What Is Stormtrooper Syndrome?

What Is Stormtrooper Syndrome?
What Is Stormtrooper Syndrome?

In many science fiction films and action films, viewers can see the so-called stormtrooper syndrome. This is a very funny cinematic cliché that is especially evident in the original Star Wars trilogy by George Lucas.

What is Stormtrooper Syndrome?
What is Stormtrooper Syndrome?

Definition and main manifestations of stormtrooper syndrome

The essence of such a phenomenon as stormtrooper syndrome lies in the fact that minor characters (conditionally they can be called "cannon fodder") in blockbusters are inadequately powerless in battles with the main characters. However, stormtrooper syndrome can be found not only in movies, but also in fiction novels.

For the first time this term appears in the book of the famous American critic Roger Ebert "Little Movie Glossary" (1994). The name of the term is associated with the behavior of the Imperial stormtroopers from the first (original) Star Wars trilogy. And these attack aircraft, despite the fact that they are well trained, shoot from close distances and have high-quality weapons, are absolutely unable to hit the heroes and provide them with at least some decent resistance.

There are several main manifestations of this syndrome:

  • The main character easily destroys "cannon fodder", even if it is protected by armor (body armor) and cover. Sometimes, just one shot from a pistol is enough to kill the "cannon fodder".
  • If the main character is injured, the injury is usually not serious. Even if the wound is serious, the hero does not lose consciousness and does not fail. The very receipt of such a wound is only a scenario move that allows you to keep the viewer in suspense.
  • "Cannon fodder" can successfully fight other "cannon fodder". However, as soon as the main characters appear in front of the secondary villains, these villains immediately become helpless.

The stormtrooper effect is found not only in Star Wars, but also, for example, in films such as Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981). Rambo: First Blood (1982), Commando (1985).

Several other clichés similar to stormtrooper syndrome

Akin to Stormtrooper Syndrome is the inverse relationship of ninja effectiveness. It means the following: one ninja fights very well and poses an almost mortal threat to the main character. But five or fifteen ninjas who attack the main character at the same time are rendered harmless almost without problems.

Another phenomenon similar to the stormtrooper syndrome is called the "Red Shirts". This term came into use in the sixties, after the screening in the United States of the fantastic series Star Trek ("Star Trek"). Here, many characters wear Starfleet uniforms: black pants and a blue, yellow, or red sweatshirt, depending on the unit. Red jerseys are worn by employees of the engineering division and the division responsible for the safety of the spacecraft.

Viewers quickly noticed that the key characters, dressed in yellow and blue sweatshirts, went through the most difficult trials without risking their lives. But their fellow travelers in red inevitably perished in different ways. That is, the "Red Shirts" are characters who are not important for the further development of the plot and who die shortly after they appear in the frame.


However, there was an exception to this rule - this is Scott Montgomery, chief engineer of the ship "Enterprise". However, even in one of the episodes, the creators of the series killed him (and then resurrected him with the help of alien technologies).

It is worth noting that, in addition to the original series created in the distant sixties, the Star Trek media franchise includes several more series and films. And, for example, in the 1989 film Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, all the key members of the Enterprise team (that is, the main characters) have red jerseys.