Types Of Orthodox Missal

Types Of Orthodox Missal
Types Of Orthodox Missal

The Orthodox prayer book used for performing various rites "according to the need of a person" can be of several types. Allocate Big Herbal, Small Herbal, Supplementary Herbal.

Types of Orthodox missal
Types of Orthodox missal

Great missal

The large missal is most often published in two parts. This form of the missal contains practically all possible rites performed in the Orthodox tradition. The first part prints the succession of the sacraments, prayers at the burial of the dead, the succession of the consecration of water and tonsure into monasticism. In the same part there is a special prayer rule used for the communion of weak people outside the walls of the temple.

In the second part of the Great Missal, one can find the succession of various prayers, church rituals used in the religious and everyday life of a believer.

In the Great Missal, you can find the months (Orthodox calendar), as well as a list of the names of the saints, after which a person can be named at baptism.

Small missal

The very naming of this type of missal indicates that it is published in an abbreviation from the Great missal. In the Small Missal, the sequence of the prayers used during the performance of the sacraments is printed. Here you can also find the ranks of the most commonly used prayer chants: a thanksgiving prayer service, a prayer service for travelers, sick people, etc. It is obligatory to find prayers dedicated to the dead in the Small Book of prayer.

Additional missal

This type of missal is in addition to the Small one. Here, for the most part, prayers are collected for the consecration of an Orthodox church, bells, domes, crosses erected on the House of God. It also contains prayers for the consecration of the robes of the clergy, as well as the vestments for the throne and altar. The consecrations of the Eucharistic vessels (discos, chalice, star, liar, etc.) can also be found in the Supplementary Missal.

The consecration of the iconostasis of the church takes place in a special way. The succession of this order is printed in the Supplementary Trebnik.

Sequences such as the consecration of a new well, bees, fragrant herbs and potions are also printed in this type of missal.

Separately, two more types of missal can be distinguished: military and monastic. In the collected rites of prayers in blessing the troops before the defense of their Fatherland, a prayer for the pacification of hostility. In the military missile, you can find the consecration of banners and warships.

used in monasteries. This book publishes the succession of the naming of monks, tonsure of monks (mantle, Great Schema), as well as the rite of the "original chant of monks" (funeral service for monastics).