Is It A Sin To Be Creative?

Is It A Sin To Be Creative?
Is It A Sin To Be Creative?

Each person has talents and abilities that can help him realize himself in creative activity. Depending on what goals a person pursues, creativity can also be a good or a sin.

Creativity brightens the world by filling it with values
Creativity brightens the world by filling it with values

Creativity with good intentions

Creativity as a creative activity is certainly not a sin, provided that it does not harm others. Creative activity helps a person to realize his potential, talents, skills and abilities, direct energy in a useful direction.

In the process of creativity, material and spiritual values are created. Creative activity contributes to the development of non-standard thinking, a new vision and imagination of a person, the birth of creative ideas. Creativity as a productive activity helps a person to reveal talents in such a way that as a result, new ideas, objects, solutions appear.

However, in cases where creative activity is conceived for the purpose of self-affirmation over others, and the result of creativity as proof of one's own superiority, it is not a good activity. Such a person is driven by vanity and pride, which prevents him from realizing his abilities in accordance with God's plan.

From the point of view of Orthodox Christianity, talent is a gift to man from God. It is not a sin to create works of art, write music, compose poems for a good purpose, if they do not carry a distorted, negative meaning. If the result of creativity brings people positive emotions, makes them think about eternal values, motivates them to change themselves and their lives for the better, then such activity is positive.

The main thing in the process of creativity is what goal is pursued by a person engaged in creative activity, what meaning and subtext he puts into the result of his work. There are cases when a person wastes his gift on useless, negative activities.

For example, a person is good at singing and composing music, but uses his gift to write songs that promote violence, praise crimes, and celebrate the negative traits of people. In this case, the result of his activity negatively affects those around him, prompting them to aggression and illegal acts, which is the worst realization of a person's talent and contradicts the Creator's plan.

Personal qualities of creative people

Creative people are not afraid to dream, fantasize, think outside the established boundaries and see beyond the generally accepted picture of the world. They know how to present new ideas in a non-standard light, to open to those around them a deeper meaning of objects. Therefore, the result of creativity amazes the audience, delights, finds a response in their minds. So, creative people have the gift of discovering ordinary things and phenomena for society in a completely new perspective.

Being engaged in creativity, people discover new knowledge and ways of solving problems, reveal personal qualities in themselves: independence, responsibility, creativity and others. As a rule, creative figures find a way of self-expression, their purpose in doing creative work.

It is worth noting that it is impossible to learn creative activity as any science, but it is important to create conditions for the development of talents and abilities. Creative people differ in their imagination, vision and thinking from those around them. That is why they manage to find inspiration in things familiar to the environment, to demonstrate the complex as simple.