How To Publish A Novel

How To Publish A Novel
How To Publish A Novel

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Many people have literary talent. Someone writes poetry, someone prose. In the event that perseverance and hard work were enough to write a novel, the author may have a desire to publish it.

How to publish a novel
How to publish a novel


Step 1

If you are a wealthy person, you can simply pay the publisher, and it will publish your immortal work in the circulation you need. In most cases, the authors limit this circulation to about a hundred copies - this is enough to donate books to relatives and friends.

Step 2

Another option to introduce people to your work is to publish it on the Internet. There are many suitable sites, for example, this one: If your novel interests readers, there is a very small chance that it will be noticed in some publishing house and offered to be published.

Step 3

The most correct way is to submit the novel to a publisher. For example, "EKSMO", "Alpha-Kniga", "AST". Go to the websites of these publishers and carefully study the recommendations for authors. First of all, you should be interested in the contact e-mail address to which you will send the text of the novel and the rules for preparing the manuscript. The latter is very important: if your text does not meet the standard, it will not be considered.

Step 4

The standard requirements are usually as follows: your novel should have a volume of 10 to 20 author's sheets, typed in Microsoft Word in Times New Roman font, 12 points on an A4 sheet. Transfers are not used. Headings, chapter titles are written not in the center, but on the left. The text is sent uncompressed in *.doc format.

Step 5

Before sending the text, re-read it at least twice, otherwise you will not be able to catch errors, typos, stylistic and logical bloopers. In a letter to the publisher, send two attached files: one will be the text of the novel, the second - its synopsis (a summary of the essence of the plot). The synopsis is written on 1-2 pages. In the letter itself, write very briefly about yourself. If there were previously published works, even in newspapers and magazines, indicate this. Leave a contact phone number.

Step 6

Please note that you cannot offer the text to several publishers at the same time - this is considered bad form. Therefore, after sending the text, prepare for a long enough wait. If your "brainchild" is taken, you will be informed about it on your e-mail box, from which the letter was sent to the publishing house, or they will call the specified phone number. If they do not take it, most likely they will not report anything.

Step 7

In order not to wait in vain, after about three months of waiting, send a letter to the publisher and ask if your novel has been reviewed by a reviewer. If the answer is that the manuscript was not accepted, do not despair - this happens all the time for beginners. Just send the text to another publisher and wait again. In the event that the manuscript has not yet been reviewed, wait again, asking the publisher about the progress of the review about once a month. Get ready for your text to be reviewed for six months or more.

Step 8

If your manuscript was taken, you will have to sign a contract. Most likely, you will be sent the text of the contract by e-mail, you will need to print it in two copies and send it by regular mail to the publisher. One copy will then be sent to your home address. As soon as the publisher receives the signed contract from you, the work on editing the text will begin. The editor will review your text and send you the chapters of the novel to review the edits. In most cases, such edits are quite correct and appropriate, sometimes you may disagree with some of them - if the editor's edit does not correspond to the author's understanding of the text. In any case, communicate with the editor in a friendly and respectful manner. In this case, your collaboration will go quickly and smoothly.

Step 9

After you finish working with the editor, you just have to be patient and wait for the book to come out. This usually takes about six months. Your first fee is unlikely to be large - assume about 5 rubles per copy. That is, with a circulation of 10 thousand copies, your fee will be 50 thousand rubles. It is usually deposited into the author's bank account within a few months of the book's release.