Leila Adamyan: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Leila Adamyan: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Leila Adamyan: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Every adequate person should take care of his body. The health care system in the country was created in order to support people in this endeavor. Leila Adamyan is the Chief Obstetrician-Gynecologist of the Russian Federation.

Leila Adamyan
Leila Adamyan

Children's hobbies

To achieve impressive results in professional activity, you need to have not only knowledge and skills, but also the appropriate character warehouse. Doctor of Medical Sciences Leyla Vladimirovna Adamyan was born on January 20, 1949 in a large Armenian family. Parents at that time lived in the sunny city of Tbilisi. The father worked to bring money into the house. The mother was engaged in housekeeping and raising children. The girl helped her mother and spent a lot of time with her younger sister.


Leila studied well at school. From an early age, she wanted to become a doctor and help sick people. This desire did not arise for the child out of nowhere. An ambulance often came to the courtyard of the apartment building where they lived. The girl watched her sick neighbors suffer, and she always wanted to help them. After the tenth grade with a certificate of maturity, Leila went to Moscow and entered the medical institute. In 1972 she graduated and continued to improve her qualifications in residency.


Professional activity

As a student, in her first year, Leila wanted to choose surgery as her specialization. However, after repeated conversations and consultations with her future husband, she decided to take up gynecology. In 1977, already an experienced specialist Leyla Adamyan was admitted to the Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology at the Academy of Medical Sciences. As the main direction of her professional activity, she chose the problems of a woman's reproductive health. Already at that time, experts noted an increase in the number of miscarriages at the onset of pregnancy.


Leila Vladimirovna harmoniously combined administrative duties, teaching and medical activities. She creates and implements her own techniques into everyday practice. At the same time, he uses new instruments and suture materials. Applies laser, cryogenic and ultrasonic technologies. Adamyan has developed an effective course of treatment for uterine fibroids, which can be used even in medical institutions remote from big cities.


Public recognition and personal life

Leila Vladimirovna's creativity on a professional basis was noted by both grateful patients and official structures. In 2004, Professor Adamyan was elected a full member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. For her great contribution to strengthening the health of the nation, she was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.

The personal life of Dr. Adamyan has developed traditionally. For many years she lived in a legal marriage. The husband and wife raised and raised two daughters. After the death of her husband in 2012, Leila Vladimirovna devotes all her strength and time to her noble cause.
