Nikita Aleksandrovich Krichevsky: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Nikita Aleksandrovich Krichevsky: Biography, Career And Personal Life
Nikita Aleksandrovich Krichevsky: Biography, Career And Personal Life

At the current historical moment, economists are considered the most popular and demanded figures in civilized countries. Things have come to the point that many states are transforming into large corporations. The Russian Federation also has qualified specialists in the field of economics. Nikita Aleksandrovich Krichevsky is one of them.

Nikita Krichevsky
Nikita Krichevsky

Starting conditions

One of the peculiarities of the mentality of the Russian people is that most of them know how the country lives and how the state should be run. However, not everyone is able to influence the management process. Professor Nikita Aleksandrovich Krichevsky in his book "The Origins of the Russian National Character" explores this topic in detail. Yes, this is a publicistic work, but on the basis of the material presented, the reader has the opportunity to understand the foundations of our thinking and worldview.

The biography of Nikita Krichevsky was formed according to well-known patterns. The future Doctor of Economics was born on December 13, 1968 in an intelligent family. Parents lived in Moscow. When the child was barely a year old, the father gathered his belongings and went to a strange woman. The boy grew and developed under the supervision of his mother. From an early age he learned to play the piano, which was in the house. Nikita was good at jazz improvisations.

The boy did well at school. He performed in amateur performances. I did sports. I got along with my classmates. Having received a certificate of maturity, he did not rack his brains over the choice of a profession, but simply waited until he was drafted into the army. In 1989 he served as he should and returned to civilian life. After brief consultations with his mother and his closest circle, he entered the State Academy of Management. Sergo Ordzhonikidze. He finished his studies ahead of schedule and in 1992 received a higher education in the specialty "Organization of production in mechanical engineering".

Science and journalism

In the early 90s, the country's economy was transitioning to market management principles. A certified economist and manager, Krichevsky took an active part in the development and implementation of targeted programs. On the basis of the accumulated experience, in 1995 he defended his Ph. D. thesis. The career of the young scientist was going well. He collaborates with large commercial structures as an expert. Lectures at higher educational institutions. In 2004 he defended his doctoral dissertation.

A competent specialist and a responsible expert are invited to cooperation by famous politicians at that time. Krichevsky twice tried to get the mandate of a State Duma deputy, but unsuccessfully. But books on the economic history of Russia bring him wide popularity. Nikita Aleksandrovich is fascinated by the work on the sources of information. He works closely with the famous historian Alexander Pyzhikov.

Krichevsky's personal life cannot be called happy. He entered into marriage on time. The husband and wife lived under the same roof and raised two children. However, love was dissolved in everyday troubles. Unfortunately, Nikita Krichevsky repeats the mistakes of his father.
