What Is Migration In Sociology

What Is Migration In Sociology
What Is Migration In Sociology

Sociology is an important science that operates with a variety of different terms and definitions. One of them in sociology is migration. This is the name of the relocation or movement of people from one region (or country) to another over a long distance.

What is migration in sociology
What is migration in sociology

Terms and definitions in migration

People who move from one region to another are called migrants. Migration can be of different types. Distinguish between external and internal migration. External migration includes intercontinental and interstate resettlement. Internal migration refers to the resettlement of people within their own country. People who have moved outside the country are called emigrants. People who moved to this country are immigrants. The difference between the number of these people is called the migration balance.

In total, there are about 36 different definitions of the term "migration".


In 2010, the International Organization for Migration published a report on the number of international migrants. Then the figure was 215 million people, that is, 3.1% of the world's population. It is estimated that if this rate of migration continues, then 405 million people are expected in 2050. The largest migration corridors in the world are Mexico-USA, Russia-Ukraine, Kazakhstan-Russia.

What types of migration are there

There are different types of migration. For example, these include seasonal migration of tourists and agricultural workers, rural to urban migration, urban to rural migration. Migration from villages to cities is called urbanization, and migration from city to countryside is called ruralization. Also, the types of migration include pilgrimage and nomadism, temporary and long-term migration, commuting and border migration.

According to the forms, two types of migration are distinguished - unorganized and generalized. Depending on the cause, migration can be economic, social, cultural, political and military. At the stages of migration, a distinction is made between decision making, territorial movement and adaptation.

Reasons for migration

The reasons for migration can be very varied. The reasons for internal migration can be the search for work, improvement of housing conditions, improvement of living standards or its change for the better, and others. Internal migration is very common in countries with vast regions, diverse economic and political conditions. Seasonal labor migrations are very common in these countries. For a while, workers leave for the countryside to farm. Also, seasonal work is often noticed - seasonal movement to the city.

There is an economic reason most often observed in international migration. That is, the main role is played by the difference in wages. The lack of specialists in any field significantly increases their earnings. This is what stimulates the influx of migrants.