Focus Group As A Method Of Collecting Information In Sociology

Focus Group As A Method Of Collecting Information In Sociology
Focus Group As A Method Of Collecting Information In Sociology

Sociology uses focus groups as one of the qualitative research methods. This method is an interview focused on a specific object or subject - a product, service, social phenomenon or person.

Focus group as a method of collecting information in sociology
Focus group as a method of collecting information in sociology

general information

Focused interviews were first used back in 1944 by scientists at Columbia University to identify people's attitudes towards radio broadcasts. Nowadays, this method is widely used in sociology and various marketing research.

The state or company owners order such studies to find out the attitude of a real consumer to a specific object, subject or phenomenon. Focus groups can be used to identify the main preferences of the respondents and their impressions.

In a focused interview, various additional reinforcements are used - an audio sequence, a product video, images and other visual materials.

Organization and conduct of focus groups:

1. Setting research goals and drawing up a program.

The purpose of the study may be testing marketing solutions for product promotion and identifying the attitude of a potential consumer towards this. For example, a new brand image, a new name, a new packaging design, a new company face, etc. It is also used in electoral research for the same purposes.

To obtain the necessary data, you need to form a block of questions as clearly as possible and draw up the most understandable instructions for the respondents.

2. Gathering the team.

A focus group is usually conducted with the participation of a moderator and several assistants. The moderator is the person who will make sure that the participants do not deviate from the topic and clarify their comments. The assistants make sure to provide the participants with the most comfortable conditions and record the progress of the interview.

3. Recruitment of respondents.

To conduct a focused interview, 6-10 participants are usually recruited. There can be several groups. For example, a women's group of 8 people and a men's group of 9 people.

4. Preparation of the venue.

Participants are provided with the most comfortable conditions so that external factors do not distract them from the discussion.

5. Directly self-focused interview.

The duration of a focus group is usually 1 to 3 hours. During the course, the assistants record the answers and elements of the participants' behavior in the discussion. The whole process is divided into blocks:

- Introductory part. The moderator greets the participants and explains the rules of the meeting. Provides instructions to participants regarding the discussion itself.

- Discussion of the product as such. Which product brands are preferred by the participants. What guides in the choice. What advantages do they see in the preferred brand, etc.

- Demonstration of a video clip / audio material / images of a specific product or service.

- Discussion of a specific product and attitude to the demonstrated materials. What did you like? What is not? What can be improved?

6. Analysis of the data obtained.

The purpose of focus groups

The purpose of the focus group is to obtain quality information about the deep motivation of the consumer. These data do not carry statistical value, but they allow you to find out the attitude and impressions directly from the representatives of the target audience.

Based on the data obtained, the customer can draw conclusions about how his product is perceived in the market, and what can be done to gain greater consumer loyalty.