As long-term practice shows, journalists are the first to give definitions to the processes and phenomena taking place in society. Today is the information age. The most demanded subjects at this moment are journalists and bloggers. The upbringing and behavior of this category of citizens largely determines the mood of people. Aram Gabrelyanov forms the political line of the publications that enter into his sphere of influence.

Komsomol youth
Every reasonable person chooses a profession for himself, taking into account his preferences and character traits. There is an opinion among the people that it is not necessary for a journalist to have fundamental knowledge in any particular area of human activity. It is enough for a person who writes to have a general idea of many things in order to prepare a publication for a newspaper or shoot a plot for a television program. Aram Ashotovich Gabrelyanov was born on August 10, 1961 in a working class family. Parents lived in the city of Derbent. My father worked in construction.
The biography indicates that having received a certificate of maturity, Aram began working as a repairman at a garment factory. And in the same year he was drafted into the army. The young man carefully watched how ordinary people live, what they value and what goals they strive for. Having served as it should, Gabrelyanov went to the capital and entered the journalism faculty of Moscow State University. The sociable young man chose a liberal arts education in accordance with his inner mood.
For the next student practice, Aram chose the editorial office of the regional youth newspaper "Ulyanovsk Komsomolets". One of the motivations was that the future wife, Gabrelyanov's classmate, was from Ulyanovsk. As in an action-packed film, the career of the future media mogul began with the analysis of editorial mail. In the future, circumstances developed in such a way that in 1990 he took the position of editor-in-chief.
Political battles
Throughout the 90s of the past century, completely unpredictable events took place throughout the country. Aram Gabrelyanov showed his best professional and human qualities. The transition of print media to self-sufficiency has proven difficult and devastating for many newspapers. For the editor-in-chief Gabrelyanov, the newspaper "Word of Youth" turned out to be like a beloved and weak child. I had to carry out certification of the creative team. Work out a further development concept.
The newspaper, having changed its name, not only stayed afloat. Moreover, Aram Gabrelyanov became a co-owner of popular publications in neighboring regions. As a result of great trouble, scandals and financial costs, the regional edition of Vedomosti-Media was published. This was followed by a move to Moscow and further expansion of the business.
Against the background of all the events, the personal life of Aram Gabrelyanov remained stable. The husband and wife tried to raise their two sons in accordance with the requirements of the times. Parental love was reinforced by specific and targeted support. The eldest son is the head of a popular book publishing house in Russia. The youngest lives in the United States.