Maximum Permissible Emission And Their Standards

Maximum Permissible Emission And Their Standards
Maximum Permissible Emission And Their Standards

The introduction of scientific and technical standards for maximum permissible emissions (MPE) is the only effective measure to preserve the ecology of the environment. The parameters of these standards determine the necessary conditions of detention for the aggregate sources of substances that pollute the surface air layer. These environmental quality standards determine the limiting characteristics for the safe life of people, as well as the state of the fauna and flora of a given area.

Emission ceilings keep the planet healthy
Emission ceilings keep the planet healthy

The maximum permissible emission (MPE) is set for any source that can have a polluting effect on the planet's atmosphere. The norms established for the MPE control the emissions of pollutants, taking into account their interaction with other components of the environment and their natural dispersion. These maximum permissible standards determine air quality depending on the entire set of polluting sources, including manufacturing enterprises and the prospects for their technical development. State control over compliance with MPE norms has a branched structure that takes into account all types of environmental pollution.

Regulatory regulation of LDPE

In Russia, at present, the legal regulation of the MPE standard is carried out in accordance with a special act called "Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) in the atmosphere of harmful substances for settlements." It names 628 names of hazardous substances and their permissible norms, based on the average daily, maximum and one-time MPC. There is also a section "B", which names 38 prohibited substances that are completely excluded from the content in the environment due to their special biological activity.

Preserving the ecology of the planet is the primary task of mankind
Preserving the ecology of the planet is the primary task of mankind

It is necessary to take into account the impact of harmful substances in accordance with the MPC standards at an elevated air temperature from each individual source. Such control is carried out according to special formulas that are scientifically substantiated. The MPE norms from industrial sources take into account all the properties of harmful substances with a focus on the current atmospheric parameters. For this, special calculations of the content of other substances in the air are used. And after that, the final requirements for MPE are presented to production organizations in accordance with the plan for recreational activities.

Thus, MPE as a standard calculated value is used to ensure the protection of the atmosphere from substances harmful to the environment and represents the volume of pollution from a separate source released per unit of time. Exceeding this MPE value is an unauthorized negative impact on the environment and the population living in this area.

Legal liability for violation of LDPE norms

Volume "Protection of the atmosphere" defines the activities carried out by departmental structures for the control of MPE and TSV (Temporarily Agreed Release). The world community has relevant legislation providing for environmental protection. In this regard, Russia protects its ecology by a legislative act called the "Law on the Protection of Atmospheric Air". It presents plans of measures aimed at protecting the atmosphere, which take into account the specific measurements of the readings of LDPE, MPC and ENE.

The survival of the planet depends on compliance with the MPE standards
The survival of the planet depends on compliance with the MPE standards

Form "No. 2-tp - air" from the statistical reporting is used to calculate the MPE values. This document is the basic one for the fiscal authorities in terms of collection of payments for explosives (harmful substances) emissions.

Planned measures for the implementation of MPE norms by enterprises

For all industrial enterprises of our country, the fundamental document for the control over MPE is the "Project of permissible emissions into the atmosphere of explosives". According to this document, oil waste disposal and environmental certification of production are carried out. In addition to the complex of health-improving measures from the oil-extracting industry, geoecological studies of the territory where oil production is carried out are carried out.

The environment takes a hit from industrial production
The environment takes a hit from industrial production

When designing manufacturing enterprises under construction and subject to reconstruction, this project is being developed. As MPC norms, they use the concept of SDC (average permissible concentration).

To control the MPE in soils, special techniques are used. After all, the soil environment is less subject to mobility and variability than water and air. Therefore, the process of deposition of various chemical compounds in it occurs more slowly, although the soil is in a constant biological process of activity. Thus, the MPE in the soil should take into account the depth and direction of concentration of foreign explosives.

It is important to take into account the fact that the MPE projects provide for the control of explosives exclusively in the format of organized or authorized emissions, focused on the characteristics of a particular area. Therefore, fugitive emissions require special regulations for the control and accounting of explosives. Consequently, the introduction of additional industrial installations for various industries should be carried out in strict accordance with the MPE. So, for example, modern, but environmentally dirty production associated with gas heating (in replacement of outdated systems on steam or hot water) requires additional accounting for the emission of explosives, since the combustion of natural gas is associated with the release of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides, which pollute the atmosphere …

For chemical industries, which, by virtue of their specificity, cannot comply with the MPE standards, a stage-by-stage coordination of the release of explosives is introduced, which is provided for by the VES (temporarily agreed emissions). In this case, the number of emissions is focused on similar capacities of enterprises with already adopted standards. And the quarterly and annual reports of industrial enterprises on MPE are checked by the State Committee for Hydrometry, which consolidates the generalized information in the form of special graphs.

To comply with the MPE conditions within the framework of the sanitary and hygienic standards of production shops and throughout the industrial zone and settlements, a draft MPE is drawn up for the enterprise and each explosive. In order to protect the environment and public health, state control structures exercise a supervisory function within the framework of a number of legislative acts, which include the following laws of the Russian Federation: "Epidemiological and sanitary welfare of the population", "Environmental protection" and "Air protection". These legal documents determine the MPE norms, the procedure for the disposal of industrial waste and other special conditions that guarantee the protection of the environment and human health.

The draft LDPE norms are a mandatory document for any industrial enterprise that has at least a single source of explosives. It is regulated by the environmental legislation of our country, which determines the procedure for revising the MPE every five years. And the reduction of the five-year period for revising the MPE norms can be established in the following cases:

- the environmental conditions in the given territory of the enterprise have changed;

- the production conditions (technologies and program) have changed;

- the number of sources of explosives has changed.

In case of violation of the MPE norms, an industrial enterprise bears financial responsibility in the form of fines.

Monitoring compliance with MPE standards

In the draft MPE, the most important section is control over compliance with its standards. Two important points are spelled out here: control of sources of explosives in accordance with the MPE standards and control of the border of an industrial territory with a residential area. Within the framework of the MPE project, developed by professional specialists with appropriate qualifications, legal entities and individuals are monitored for the negative impact of economic or other activities on the air, water resources (including groundwater) and soil (if necessary).

Clean air is a guarantee of public health
Clean air is a guarantee of public health

Control over the achievement and maintenance of the achieved MPE norms within the approved project is carried out either by the Department of Rosprirodnadzor (state control), or by the production control unit of the enterprise itself (local control). And the approval of the draft MPE at the stage of its approval is carried out in many government agencies, including Rospotrebnadzor. At this stage, it is necessary to obtain an expert opinion on the project itself from a number of state institutions, including Rospotrebnadzor, as well as permission from Rospotrebnadzor in terms of epidemiological and sanitary control.