How To Prepare For The Exam

How To Prepare For The Exam
How To Prepare For The Exam

The first step in preparing for the exam is the choice of information sources that will make it easier to prepare for the exam.

Having selected the tutorials, we move on to the second step. And here there are two options for further actions.

How to prepare for the exam
How to prepare for the exam

The first, the highest quality and longest, includes writing a thesis summary on the exam questions.

The second is to teach from a book.

The process of writing abstracts under dictation simultaneously trains 3 types of memory - auditory, visual and mechanical.

Now you can take a break: continuous memorization does not contribute to good memorization. You can change your occupation, place and position. Spend the next day with your abstract notebook. Music helps the learning process.

On the second day, it is best to briefly repeat the abstract read, then go to bed. Dreams, in this case, are guaranteed: scientists have found that when memory is overloaded, dreams become common.

The day before the exam, spend one hour repeating the entire summary in more detail at any time of the day. It is desirable that there are no questions left from the list of questions to which there are no answers at all. This is a pretty serious nervous stress, and it will only bother you. If there are still such, and it is impossible to find the answers, write your own opinion on this issue (applies only to the humanities).

The night before the exam costs nothing to teach, but if you are a night owl, you can prepare for the exam. For the rest it is contraindicated, in the morning there will be no sense. You can just repeat a little and go to bed. In order to calm yourself down, drink a mug of hot milk at night - sleep will be stronger, and the state will be more relaxed.

Well stimulates the learning process and affects memory chocolate and the smell of lilacs. Lilac and yellow shades before the eyes help a lot (they concentrate attention).