Where Did The Dudes Dress

Where Did The Dudes Dress
Where Did The Dudes Dress

Bright and even "flashy" clothes have always been an important element of their culture for dudes. Finding the right thing was sometimes difficult. But all the same, dudes carefully selected their wardrobe, creating it literally from improvised means.

Where did the dudes dress
Where did the dudes dress

In the forties, soldiers began to bring trophies of war from European countries, among which there were many clothes that had already gone out of fashion in the West. She served as the basis for the image of the dudes of those years.

Dangerous, but ubiquitous was the appeal to the blacksmiths, or to foreigners who happily exchanged clothes for dudes for Russian souvenirs. If the staff member (as the dudes called themselves) knew the right people, he had no problems with the wardrobe.

Since the USSR at that time established contact with many states, the dandies had their own countries - suppliers of clothing. Bright Hawaiian shirts came from Cuba. And the famous neckties with painted dragons and monkeys were goods from China.

Hipsters, these fans of everything colorful, bright and even abstract, not finding the necessary things in stores, sat down at the sewing machine themselves. Such clothes were called "self-string". From under the hands of craftsmen came out wide trousers, baggy jackets, fluffy skirts, or dresses that emphasized the girl's figure.

Various materials were obtained for clothing. For example, trousers were sewn from a tent canvas. Women's dresses could simply be shortened or sutured to fit the body completely.

After the films "Girl of My Dreams" and "Serenade of the Sun Valley" were shown in the Soviet Union, dudes began to wear sweaters with the image of deer. And there was nothing easier than knitting such a sweater yourself.

With shoes, everything was more complicated. If several types of material were present in the shoes, for example, suede and leather, this was considered good taste. A light rubber sole with a large thickness is the dream of every dude. But such shoes were not affordable for everyone, and the staff found a way out: they glued foam or rubber to ordinary shoes.

Arrow stockings were expensive at the time. And since they were included in the mandatory set for the image of a woman - dudes, the ladies got out as best they could. And they drew arrows with a pencil right on the legs.

The situation was simpler with such an element of clothing as white socks. Girls bought them in Soviet stores. Fortunately, they could still be found in the assortment of those times.

All kinds of accessories that complement the look of dudes were obtained at flea markets or from foreign guests. Some ladies, looking at fashion magazines, made brooches, bows, bracelets with their own hands.

This is how Soviet dudes solved the wardrobe problem. Any bright thing was immediately noticed on the counter and bought. And if there was no opportunity to purchase a ready-made outfit, they created it themselves.
