Vadim Egorov: Short Biography

Vadim Egorov: Short Biography
Vadim Egorov: Short Biography

According to indirect data, interest in author's song in Russia is slowly but surely growing. Vadim Egorov is a prominent representative of this layer of national culture. Many songs from his pen have long lived on their own.

Vadim Egorov
Vadim Egorov

Starting conditions

The biography of each person is largely determined by the events and processes taking place in the country of residence. And nationwide fame and love comes with time, as a reward for work and talent. Vadim Vladimirovich Egorov was born on May 7, 1947 in an intelligent Soviet family. Parents at that time lived in the small town of Eberswalde, which was located on the territory of the German Democratic Republic. Here, according to the treaty in force between the allies in World War II, the base of the Soviet armed forces was stationed.

My father taught Russian language and literature at a school for the children of officers and service personnel, and my mother taught mathematics. When the boy turned two years old, the Egorov family returned to their place of permanent residence in Moscow. The time came, and Vadik was enrolled in school. And not only in general education, but also in music. It is important to note that the parental home had a large library. In the intervals between school hours, the future poet and bard managed to read books, and played good football with friends in the yard.


In the creative field

It is not at all surprising that a taste for poetry, an understanding of images and metaphors in a good poem was instilled in Vadim by his mother. Egorov was barely eleven years old when he heard the song "Blue Snowdrifts" sounded on the radio by Ada Yakusheva. From that moment in his soul, in his consciousness, poetic images began to arise and form. The mechanism by which the surrounding objects and phenomena became a source of inspiration remains unexplained. An example of this is the song "My Rains", written in late autumn and suddenly sounded on all radio stations in the country.

After graduating from school, Egorov decided to get a specialized education at the Pedagogical Institute. By that time, he was already quite professionally writing poetry. Several poetic collections were published on the pages of the Smena magazine. The future classic of the author's song got into a favorable environment. Within the walls of this pedagogical institute such bards as Yuri Vizbor, Boris Vakhnyuk, Vernik Dolina grew up. Today we can say that Vadim Egorov has adequately continued the established traditions.

Recognition and privacy

The personal life of Vadim Yegorov developed according to the standard scenario for the current chronological moment. In his third year, he fell in love and married the clever and beautiful Tatyana Petrovskaya. The husband and wife raised and raised two children - a son and a daughter. The son became a famous cardiac surgeon, and the daughter is engaged in the design of women's clothing.

Vadim Yegorov was awarded the prestigious Gratitude Prize for his great contribution to the development of the author's song. He was awarded the Bard of Russia gold medal. He still lives and works in Moscow.