What Is Community

What Is Community
What Is Community

The word "community" refers to a group of common interests, whose members communicate primarily on the Internet. All members of the community have a common goal, views. Communication is the basis of such a virtual community.

What is community
What is community

Community concept

Some people confuse four similar concepts with each other: society, community, or community, multitude, and audience. There is a significant fundamental difference between them. The term "community", or "community", is the best way to characterize the degree of interaction between people in a group. Previously, this term defined a group of people living within the same region or district, united by a common task: land cultivation, production, etc.

Over time, this concept has acquired a new meaning. This was due to a change in the surrounding situation as a whole. During the period of active development of new technologies, the term acquired a broader meaning.

The concepts of "community" and "audience" should not be confused. In the second case, all members are divided into two groups: the source of information and the listener. In the community, people interact on an equal footing and are not tied to any source of information.

Now the word "community" largely determines not the geographical position of a person, but his connection with other people. Since modern means of communication and associations of interests are concentrated in the online space, the concept of "community" increasingly implies the creation of communities on the Internet, social networks on forums and blogs.

Community building

In order to create a community, three basic conditions must be met. First, you need to have common goals, interests, needs. Secondly, there must be a resource to which all members of the community have constant, unlimited, round-the-clock access. Third, you need a common language for communication or a topic in which the members of the group are immersed.

Modern business actively uses the community to promote its products and services. There was even a profession of community manager. The pioneers were the makers of online games. The profession was officially recognized in 2007.

The community should have a clear framework for the number of people included in it. As it was revealed by scientists, a person cannot keep more than 150 familiar persons in his head. This amount is considered optimal for the community. The limitless number of members of a community in which people do not know each other turns the community into a multitude.

The main difference between a set and a community is that there are no connections between the members of the set. They are just people in one place. They can watch the same movie, gamble, be the same age, but still not form a community, because they will not have a common idea.
