Vladimir Polin: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Vladimir Polin: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Vladimir Polin: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Managing large manufacturing companies requires more than just special knowledge from a person. Vladimir Polin is well versed in metallurgical production. Owns financial instruments. Skillfully pursues personnel policy.

Vladimir Polin
Vladimir Polin

Starting conditions

What's good for General Motors is good for America. Russian economists and politicians at the federal level periodically recall this “winged” thesis. In the current chronological period, there is every reason to say that what is good for the metallurgical complex is good for Russia. Vladimir Anatolyevich Polin is a certified senior manager. He completed a full course of study at the European MBA Academy. The acquired knowledge and skills allow him to solve management problems of any complexity.


The future top manager was born on July 21, 1962 in an ordinary family. Parents lived in the famous city of Chelyabinsk. My father worked as a shift foreman at a steel plant. Mother worked as a kindergarten teacher. Vladimir studied well at school. I did sports. He actively participated in social events. His favorite subjects were chemistry and mathematics. After leaving school, on the advice of his father, he decided to get an education at the metallurgical faculty of the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute.


Operations management

After receiving his diploma, Polin came to work at the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant (ChMK). The young specialist was appointed as a foreman to the metal casting section. A few months later, he took over as shift supervisor. Polina's administrative career was quite successful. By the early 90s, he held the position of Deputy Chief Engineer for Production. When the corporatization of the plant began, Vladimir Anatolyevich was involved in this process. After the transition of the metallurgical industry to market rails, the industry required managers of a new formation who could work without instructions from the state plan.


Vladimir Polin has undergone appropriate training in accordance with global standards. At the end of the 90s, he was approved as the sales director of his native Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant. By this time, Vladimir Anatolyevich already had real experience in making managerial decisions. In 2002, he was invited to join Mechel, a major Russian coal and steel producer. It took Pauline almost ten years to become vice president of the head office manager. In 2011, he moved to RUSAL. He was in charge of the Vostok aluminum division.


Prospects and personal life

In senior positions, Pauline was personally responsible for the development of the main production facilities, increasing their efficiency and increasing the share of products with high added value.

The personal life of a top manager has developed well. He is legally married. The husband and wife raised their son.
