A native of Moscow and a native of a simple working-class family - Olesya Zheleznyak - was able to break through to the heights of theatrical and cinematic fame solely due to her natural talent, hard work and dedication. Today, behind the shoulders of a successful artist, there are many roles played on the stage and on set.

The popular theater and film actress, as well as the popular Russian TV presenter - Olesya Zheleznyak - is known to the mass audience more for her comedy role. However, many fans of her talents are well aware of the fact that this actress is very versatile and with excellent choreographic data, despite the anthropometry of the basketball player (height 180 cm).
Short biography of Olesya Zheleznyak
On November 11, 1974, the future actress was born in an ordinary metropolitan family (father is a loader, and mother is a seamstress), far from the world of culture and art. Olesya, thanks to her older sister Lyudmila, became addicted to reading early and started dancing. It was the girl's choreographic talent that led her to the idea of a theatrical education.
At first, it was a theater studio on the Arbat, which, soon after entering it, Zheleznyak was closed. However, the sprout of talent has already opened up, and GITIS has become a further step in the development of thematic education. Despite the fact that the girl could not pass the entrance exams on the first attempt, she did not despair. And the next year she spent in the circus corps de ballet, with which she even managed to go to Japan on tour.
The second attempt to enter the legendary GITIS has already been crowned with success, and Olesya Zheleznyak was able to receive basic acting knowledge on the course from Mark Zakharov himself. Even during her student days, the aspiring actress made her debut on the stage with secondary roles in The Marriage of Figaro and Juno and Avos. Her graduation works were productions: "The Master and Margarita" and "The Morning Bride".
From 2000 to the present, Olesya Zheleznyak has been accepted into the Lenkom troupe. Today her repertoire is simply impressive, because it includes such productions as "The Cherry Orchard", "Vabank", "Five Evenings", "A Lady's Visit", "Duenna" and many others.
Eloquent testimony to the theatrical talent of the actress are her many awards, among which there are the Yevgeny Leonov International Foundation and Debut awards, as well as two Moskovsky Komsomolets and The Seagull awards.
Olesya Zheleznyak's deafening debut in cinema came from Tigran Keosayan's film “Silver Lily of the Valley” (2000), where she very realistically embodied the character of Zoya Misochkina. And then a lot of proposals from various directors followed. Today in the filmography of the popular actress there are many talented films, among which the following can be distinguished: "Provincials" (2002), "My Fair Nanny" (2004), "Beware, Zadov!" (2004), “Matchmakers” (2010), “Nurses” (2012), “This is what is happening to me” (2012), “The White Moor, or Intimate Stories about My Neighbors” (2012), “Pointe Shoes for Bun” (2015), Wonderland (2016).
Personal life of the actress
At the beginning of the 2000s, Olesya Zheleznyak married a colleague in the creative department - Spartak Sumchenko. Now the acting family has replenished with four children: Savely (2004), Agafya (2006), Prokhor (2011) and Foma (2013).
A friendly and happy family copes well with both active creative activity and raising children. Despite the very high rhythm of life, in which Olesya no longer “remembers when she had a good sleep,” this family couple can truly be considered exemplary among their acting fraternity.