Yakhno Olesya Mikhailovna: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Yakhno Olesya Mikhailovna: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Yakhno Olesya Mikhailovna: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Recently, a new face has appeared on Russian television. Among Ukrainian male political scientists, regular guests of various political talk shows, Olesya Mikhailovna Yakhno stands out clearly. Colleagues may envy how confidently and vigorously she defends the activities of her government and the interests of Ukraine.

Yakhno Olesya Mikhailovna: biography, career, personal life
Yakhno Olesya Mikhailovna: biography, career, personal life


Olesya is from the Ukrainian town of Nemyriv in the Vinnitsa region. The vodka brand "Nemiroff" brought world fame to this small settlement; the distillery has existed here for a century and a half.

Olesya was born in 1978 in a family of civil servants. Her early years passed in Soviet times and were not much different from the childhood of other children. After graduating from school, the girl continued her education at the leading Ukrainian university - the capital city University named after T. Shevchenko in the direction of "Political culture and ideology". In 2000, she received her master's degree in journalism, but did not stop there and entered the Academy of Tax Service, after which she became a specialist in the field of finance. The pinnacle of her education was the defense of a dissertation, the topic of which was dedicated to the place of Ukraine on the modern geopolitical map of the world.


Olesya's working career began in 1990, the girl worked as a special correspondent for the newspaper "Voice of Ukraine". Articles for the official publication of the Verkhovna Rada were born right in the meeting room. A year later, she headed the online publication at the Humanitarian Technology Agency. In a new position at the Glavred agency, the aspiring political strategist showed the creativity of an analyst and demonstrated skillful leadership.

Since 2005, the political scientist Yakhno has headed the Institute of National Strategy of Ukraine. The institution deals with the problems of ideology, global communications, and the country's development prospects.

Personal life

For several years, Yakhno was officially married to the Russian publicist and expert in the field of political technologies Stanislav Belkovsky. It was he, together with the political scientist Konstantin Bondarenko, who are considered the founders of the institute, which is now headed by Olesya Mikhailovna. The couple have a son, Dmitry, recently the young man celebrated his twentieth anniversary.

Belkovsky is considered an interesting and controversial figure in contemporary Russian journalism. He has Polish and Jewish blood in his blood, he was educated in the field of economic cybernetics, but made a career in the editorial office of a political Internet agency. At one time, he managed to make many interesting and useful acquaintances with figures in the field of politics and finance. There is a version that he owes his popularity and success to Boris Berezovsky. Today Stanislav is the author of seven books about the Russian political elite, a brawler and an outrageous personality. He, like his wife, regularly participates in television discussions and hosts his own program on the radio "Rain".

How does he live today

Together with her husband, Yakhno is considered to be involved in the 2004 Orange Revolution. But they started talking about her only ten years later, after appearing on television screens. In the media space, she expresses the presidential position. However, it cannot be said that Olesya possesses the qualities necessary for arguing her point of view and conducting a dialogue. By portraying an intellectual, she demonstrates poor language skills and inconclusive arguments. After a couple of programs with her participation, it becomes clear that this is not a famous political scientist, but a stupid and hysterical woman, and her anti-Russian attitude is nothing more than PR.
