In the spring and autumn, when conscription begins in the RF Armed Forces, not all young men who have reached draft age go to the army. The list of contraindications for military service is quite extensive.

Who is not subject to the draft?
Young people with obvious signs of disability, such as lack of limbs, blindness, mental retardation, are recognized as unfit for service. These are severe pathologies that cannot be cured or corrected. In case of serious dysfunctions of the body, such as fecal and urinary incontinence, young men are not called up for service, if this is found already in the service, immediate transfer to the reserve follows.
Young citizens infected with hepatitis B and C viruses, HIV, suffering from an active form of tuberculosis with the release of Koch's bacillus, will not go into the army with leprosy. Endocrine diseases, diabetes mellitus are also grounds for getting a military ID on hand. The RF Armed Forces do not take any form of these diseases, there are no conditions for adjusting metabolic processes.
Young people who are registered with a psychiatrist with diagnoses of schizophrenia, epilepsy, mental and delusional disorders, psychosis, mental retardation are considered unfit for service, and the cause of these pathologies is not important. Persons with chemical dependence, drug and alcohol, are not conscripted into the RF Armed Forces, mental manifestations and symptoms may be absent, but the diagnosis must be confirmed in a hospital. Registration with the ND is an unambiguous contraindication for service.
The diagnosis "multiple sclerosis", paralysis and paresis, as well as diseases of the peripheral NA, when its functions are impaired, injuries of the GM and the spinal cord are the reason for the entry in the military card "Not suitable". Pathology of the eyes, eyelids, lens or conjunctiva, severe squint, a strong degree of myopia or farsightedness do not allow to call a young man to serve.
Young people with pathology of the heart, blood vessels, hypertension of 2 and higher degrees are not called up for service. Also, citizens with severe nasal breathing disorders, fetid rhinitis, some lung diseases, bronchial asthma are not subject to conscription.
Diseases after treatment of which conscription can be
If tuberculosis and syphilis can be cured, the conscript is sent for treatment, after which he undergoes a second examination. If the pathogen has been identified again, the young man is declared unfit for military service. The third and fourth degrees of obesity hinder the passage of military service. Such citizens are not subject to conscription, they are sent for treatment. If therapy is not effective, conscripts are written off to the reserve.
Patients with any neoplasms, regardless of their malignancy or benignity, are not subject to conscription. If the conscript is undergoing treatment, he will only receive a reprieve. If you refuse treatment, they are not drafted into the army. If there are vestibular disorders, regardless of their severity, the conscript is not suitable for service, but this does not apply to motion sickness in transport or seasickness.
A complete list of contraindications can be found in the district military registration and enlistment office.