Kazakov Valery Nikolaevich buys out rare things from collectors, transfers them to museums and libraries of the city of Mogilev. He also writes books about his hometown.

Valery N. Kazakov is a collector, writer and philanthropist. He buys rarities from private collectors in order to then transfer these artifacts to Belarusian museums.

Nikolai Kazakov's love for antiques from his grandfather. The progenitor loved his native land, collected antiques.
Nikolai Kazakov was born in Belarus in the village of Gorbovichi.
He recalls that when he was 8 years old, a road was being built near their village. Bulldozers worked here. They destroyed the oldest burial mounds in which there were burials. Then Nikolai and his friend Petya began to walk around these places, collect human remains, so that they could then be reburied. Then the guys began to find various antiques in the mounds. Some of these items are still kept by the collector.
Now Valery N. Kazakov is the deputy chairman of the society "Belarusians of Russia". He buys various items from private collectors and hands them over to the history museum.

A philanthropist's career is built on the search and return of artifacts to Belarus free of charge.
Some of these antiques date back to the 11th century. This artifact includes a pendant made in the form of a coin. Having found this silver medallion, Kazakov made a great contribution to determining the true date of the creation of Mogilev.
It is believed that this city was founded in 1267, but this medallion depicts the symbol of the Rurik dynasty. It is clear that this artifact was created in the 11th century. This proves that Mogilev was founded earlier than it is generally believed.
In total, Nikolai Kazakov donated 200 antiques to the museum. He found something himself, but bought a lot of artifacts from private collectors.

Among such items are old chess. Half of the figures are made in the form of the troops of Charles XII, others are created in the image of the troops of Peter I.
Valery Nikolaevich is also helped by his friends, patrons of art, to acquire such artifacts. And one of the acquaintances was able to find objects of value in the attics of old houses, inherited by inheritance.
Gratuitous gifts

Valery Kazakov's specialized education allows him to determine, almost at a glance, what value certain subjects are. One day he saw two Tajik soldiers cutting a loaf of bread in a painting. Kazakov acquired this canvas, but then he did not know exactly who painted it. When the painting was restored, it turned out that it was painted by a famous marine painter.
Valery Nikolaevich gives such things to the historical museum of Mogilev, and old books to the library of this city.
The patron and collector is also the author of books. It is planned to shoot a film in Belarus based on one of his works.