None of the road users are immune from getting into an accident. Even if all PPDs are observed, no one will be able to guarantee that he will not come across a "racer" who will create an emergency. As a rule, an accident is quite stressful, and behavior during the proceedings can lead to a confession of your guilt. You do not need to instantly admit your guilt, because having made a qualitative analysis of factors and circumstances, you can at least prove the guilt of third parties, and as a maximum, avoid responsibility for an accident.

Turn on the alarm and report the incident to the traffic police and the insurance company. Wait for them to arrive at the scene of the accident. Upon arrival at the scene of the traffic police, describe your scenario.
Remember that many accidents are caused by road services. These can be either unreadable road signs or poor road conditions. Therefore, responsibility must be shared with other culprits.
When the traffic police arrives at the scene of the accident, service employees are required to draw up a protocol of the incident. Make sure that the information in the protocol is displayed correctly, there are no wordings "offender", "culprit" in relation to you, if you do not admit complete guilt in the accident. In addition, do not rush to provide unnecessary information on an accident, limit yourself to facts, speculation will not help restore the picture of the incident and can set the inspectors against you. In addition, timely provision of medical assistance to victims can serve as a facilitating circumstance.
If people were injured or killed in the accident, be prepared for investigative measures. A criminal case will be instituted upon the fact of the incident.
In order to give clear, not confused testimony, try to comprehend what happened and choose a strategy for communicating with representatives of the traffic police. Ask for advice from acquaintances who understand such matters.
If, as a result of the accident, a pedestrian was injured, who suddenly ran out onto the road, if possible, make it clear to the traffic police that at that moment it was impossible to stop the car. If there was a pedestrian crossing on the road where the accident happened, and the pedestrian violated the rules, find witnesses who will confirm that he, contrary to the rules, jumped out onto the road near the car. In this case, the charges against you can be dropped. Do not flee from the scene, especially if people have been injured in the accident. This can only aggravate the situation.