Unfortunately, no one is safe from the fact that he or his loved ones will not become a victim of a crime. At the same time, the work of state human rights bodies is far from always effective. In this case, it remains to establish the identity of the offender on their own. So, if you decide to find the offender on your own, you must do at least the following steps:

Step 1
Find out who was nearby at the time of the crime and could have watched the incident or saw the offender.
Step 2
Find out if there were unknown persons at the scene during the crime, in front of it or immediately after it. To do this, interview everyone who lives near the scene of the incident, or could be there at this time.
Step 3
Determine the circle of persons who could benefit from the commission of the crime. You should look for them among relatives, friends, work colleagues. Pay attention to those whose financial situation, professional status, personal life have changed for the better immediately after the incident. In addition, try to find out who from the victim's environment could have a motive for personal revenge.
Step 4
Determine if there could be persons with criminal inclinations in the area of the incident, for example, with a criminal record, suffering from mental disorders, alcohol or drug addiction, and gambling. Pay attention, first of all, to those who live or work near the crime scene.
Step 5
Check if there were any alcohol-related events (weddings, anniversaries, commemorations, etc.) in the vicinity of the scene immediately in front of it.
Step 6
Having determined the circle of suspects, find out if any of them were noticed immediately after the crime was committed signs that may be associated with resistance to the victims: scratches, bruises, torn clothes, broken glasses, etc.
Step 7
Having identified the probable culprit, thoroughly check his involvement in the crime. After that, you must provide the information received to law enforcement officials.