In a democracy, every citizen has the right to publicly express his opinion on a variety of issues. Rallies in Russia have become commonplace for a long time, and the citizens participating in them must know how to behave correctly with the police.

Step 1
As you participate in a rally, you must know that you have both rights and responsibilities. The police, for their part, when communicating with citizens, are also guided by job descriptions. In order for the law enforcement officers to use force against you, you must commit certain illegal actions.
Step 2
What should you never do at a rally? First of all, come to it absolutely sober, have your documents with you. Do not use foul language, especially against the police. Do not offend law enforcement officers, do not provoke them to forceful actions. Remember that the police are sometimes just waiting for a reason to detain you. Do not give such a reason, behave peacefully and calmly.
Step 3
If there are calls for violence at a rally, do not follow the lead of the speakers. Control yourself, as the notorious "crowd effect" really exists and is capable of unrecognizably changing a person's consciousness. You may simply not notice the moment when a general wave of emotions overwhelms you and forces you to do what in another situation you would never allow yourself.
Step 4
Among the protesters there may be provocateurs or simply mentally inadequate people. If possible, calm them down, do not let them come into conflict with the police. In personal communication with a police officer, smile, be emphatically friendly and non-aggressive. Follow all their requirements, otherwise you may be accused of disobedience with all the ensuing consequences.
Step 5
If you are still detained, do not provide physical resistance, do not insult the police, even if you are overwhelmed with emotions. Control yourself, analyze the current situation. Remember that you have the right to inform your relatives about the fact of your detention. You have the right to demand a copy of the protocol of your arrest. If it was not given, write in the protocol itself that you did not receive a copy.
Step 6
The term of administrative detention cannot exceed three hours. In the event that an administrative offense case is being held against you, you may be detained for up to 48 hours.