Both terms - "militia" and "police" - have Latin roots, the first of which is translated as "militia", and the second comes from the word "polis" - a city.

In most Western countries, public order services in cities are called police. In our country, in 1917, the people's, workers 'and peasants' militias were formed, which, in essence, were a spontaneous armed people's militia, designed to normalize the post-revolutionary situation.
Renaming prerequisites
As part of the 2010 reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the current President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev proposed to rename the police to the police. The voiced reason was the need for efficiently working professionals in this field. Well, the definition of "police", according to Dmitry Anatolyevich, reduces law enforcement officers to "vigilantes in uniform" that existed almost a century ago.
The very concept of "police", according to D. A. Medvedev, raises the bar for the responsibility and discipline of law enforcement agencies.
It was emphasized that the concept of "police" should introduce a new professional ideology, which prioritizes the rights and freedoms of citizens, the protection of public order and combating crime.
63% of the population of our country, according to opinion polls by VTsIOM in August 2010, opposed the renaming, and the majority of those who voted against noted that the change of the name would not affect the organization of work in any way. And 15% of the respondents pessimistically stated that the changes will only be for the worse.
The prospect of renaming law enforcement agencies has caused skepticism and a storm of criticism.
Many politicians and officials also spoke rather harshly about the Law on Police. They appealed to the fact that historically and culturally a negative connotation of the new name had formed in the minds of citizens, which was served by the police during the Great Patriotic War, the pre-revolutionary tsarist police, the expression "police state" itself, and so on.
A separate subject for criticism was the cost of "rebranding", because the replacement of building signs, stickers on cars, certificates, badges and re-registration of property rights to buildings, structures and complexes belonging to the police cost the country's budget an impressive amount: almost two billion rubles.
However, the answer to the question "Why?" understandable to the average Russian. But the answer to the question "Why?" will remain unknown to the general public.