How To Protect Yourself From Theft On Public Transport

How To Protect Yourself From Theft On Public Transport
How To Protect Yourself From Theft On Public Transport

Any of the residents of large and small cities can face theft in public transport. On weekdays, buses and minibuses are filled to capacity, which makes it easier for intruders, for whom crowds are ideal conditions for theft. At the same time, the so-called pickpockets are becoming more and more inventive over time, and those who want to keep their wallets intact should be ready for this.

How to protect yourself from theft on public transport
How to protect yourself from theft on public transport

Many of those who regularly use public transport perceive the trip as an opportunity to think about pressing problems or read a book. It is these thoughtful passengers that most often become victims of pickpockets. People distracted from what is happening may not notice a light touch of an intruder. Sometimes thieves deliberately push a standing passenger on one side in order to quickly and imperceptibly get into a pocket of outerwear on the other.

In addition, passengers often make it easier for pickpockets themselves by leaving the zipper on the bag unbuttoned or by keeping the wallet in the back pocket of their trousers. Thus, the thief only needs to get close to the "prey" in order to quietly and quickly take the wallet.

But even tightly closed bags will not protect their owners from pickpockets. Thieves can cut through the fabric of a bag to extract valuables. To do this, they use knives or other pointed objects. For these purposes, even coins with a sharply sharpened edge are used.

It should be remembered that pickpockets often operate in pairs. The role of one of them is to lure the victim into a casual conversation, which will allow the second participant to quickly take possession of the wallet. So, you should be on your guard if in public transport someone persistently insists on a conversation on any topic.

Thus, in order to secure travel on public transport, you need to keep track of where your valuables are. Even the smallest phones shouldn't be kept in back pockets. The optimal place for a wallet and cell phone is in the inner pocket of a jacket or bag. In addition, it is advisable to select the bags themselves from dense materials. It is better that the zipper on the bag is fixed with an additional rivet - the more movements you need to make to open the bag, the better. In addition, it is advisable not to lose control of the situation while on public transport. A thief is unlikely to approach a person holding a bag tightly next to him.
