Anyone can become a victim of theft. Sometimes people themselves provoke criminals by demonstrating their wealth. Undoubtedly, you should not be too secretive, but it must be remembered that in public places, in transport, on the street, in stores, criminals immediately pay attention to a person showing his chubby wallet. A few tips on how to protect yourself from theft.

Step 1
First of all, when going outside, you need to put money and valuables in your inner pockets. Criminals commit street thefts, mainly relying on a small amount of money that a person may have in his pocket. It happens that the offender allegedly accidentally collides with you, then apologizes, but during this quietly cleans your pocket.
Step 2
There are also situations when, while standing in line or in transport, a person thinks about something or thinks about his problems. This is what a criminal can take advantage of. It will not be difficult for him to carefully take out your wallet. Also, criminals can often deliberately create an artificial crush. By pushing people in line, they distract attention and in the meantime "check their pockets." In such cases, cover the places where the valuables or the phone are with your hand or hide them away. Also, be attentive and try to control what is happening around you.
Step 3
Sometimes criminals use trickery. For example, a person comes up to you with a request to show you a road or a building. You enter into a conversation with him, and in the meantime, his partner is already quietly examining your bag. There can only be one piece of advice - do not engage in intimate conversation with a stranger, especially at night or in deserted places. Try to answer these questions briefly and keep an eye on your surroundings.
Step 4
Motorists are robbed in a similar way. For example, a young man approaches your car and starts a conversation. Meanwhile, his partner carefully opens the door on the other side of the car and pulls things out of the front or rear seat. Therefore, in no case put your bag or wallet on the seat, but hide it somewhere far away.
Step 5
Unfortunately, theft doesn't just happen on the street. Apartments, private houses, and other premises also become objects of theft. Criminals enter the apartment through the doors, breaking it or picking up a master key, through the windows, vents. But, usually, the criminal first gathers information by checking your mail, observing the presence of light in the apartment in the evening. You can greatly reduce the risk of theft by arranging for neighbors to keep an eye on the apartment while you are away and taking letters out of the mailbox. It is also necessary to install metal entrance doors with a reliable lock, and it would be even better to install an alarm at home.