The system of medical care and healthcare in the regions of Russia lags behind the metropolitan level. However, leading hospitals and polyclinics function in the province as well. Vladimir Novozhilov is the chief physician of a children's clinic in Irkutsk.

Starting conditions
Energetic and enterprising people mastered and settled Siberia. At the end of 1895, the Ivano-Matreninskaya Children's Hospital was erected in the city of Irkutsk. This facility still functions today. Vladimir Alexandrovich Novozhilov has been working as the chief physician of the famous medical institution for more than ten years. In order to effectively treat children in old but reliable walls, qualified specialists and modern equipment are required. The head physician, without being distracted from the treatment process, has to solve difficult personnel, financial and methodological problems.

The future surgeon and deputy of the City Duma was born on December 1, 1958 in an ordinary Soviet family. Parents lived in Irkutsk. Both father and mother worked on the railroad. The son grew up an active and inquisitive boy. When Vladimir was seven years old, he was enrolled in a comprehensive school and in a music school. At the same time playing the button accordion, he played basketball well and was engaged in cycling. In the tenth grade, Novozhilov spent a whole month in the hospital. And during this period he came to the conclusion that he would become a doctor.

Professional activity
Novozhilov received his specialized education at the Faculty of Surgery at the Irkutsk Medical Institute. After completing his studies in 1982, the young surgeon came to work on assignment to the Ivano-Matreninskaya Children's Clinical Hospital. And all subsequent professional activities are connected with this hospital. There was a short break. In 1985, Novozhilov entered graduate school and left for Moscow. In the capital, at the Department of Pediatric Surgery at the Second Medical Institute, he defended his Ph. D. thesis. After defense, he returned to his former place as a pediatric surgeon.

Novozhilov not only successfully treated his little patients. He persistently mastered and introduced into practice new methods of conducting operations. Through his efforts, the Center for Surgery and Reanimation of Newborns was formed within the walls of the hospital. For many years, such a center remained the only one on the territory stretching from the Ural Mountains to the Pacific Ocean. The career of a surgeon for Vladimir Alexandrovich was developing successfully. In 2007 he was appointed chief physician. For many years Novozhilov was elected as a deputy of the City Duma.

Recognition and privacy
Since 2002, Novozhilov has taken the position of professor and lectures to students of the local medical institute. In 2011, for his great contribution to the development of health care, Vladimir Alexandrovich was awarded the Order of Merit to the Fatherland.
Personal life Novozhilov developed well. He got married during his student years. The husband and wife raised and raised two sons. Senior - followed in the footsteps of his father. The youngest is in business.