How Music Affects A Person

How Music Affects A Person
How Music Affects A Person

Music affects a person, depending on his emotional level. A person who listens to music not only hears it, but under the influence of the frequency of sound and rhythm begins to rebuild.

How music affects a person
How music affects a person

They impose a certain state on a person, which either harmonizes with his current state or completely contradicts him. At the same time, the first option is characterized by the appearance of a feeling of inner joy and emotional uplift. It is women who are most influenced by music. This fact is due to the fact that the female essence is very dynamic and easily changes under external influence. In this case, all reactions are performed at the subconscious level, and are not completely controlled by human consciousness. In case of disharmony between the state of a person and music, irritation or other emotional impulses may arise, forcing a person to stop listening to a particular melody. This human behavior is called the body's defense reaction.

The appearance of this reaction can provoke several understandable reasons.

It was found that sounds, including musical ones, are longitudinal waves. And, like every wave, they have their own dimension. Therefore, even the slightest change in the sound level can cause a redistribution of the primary matter that fills space. The astral body of the human essence is subject to the maximum influence, while additional saturation with the primary matter called F and G occurs, which later manifests itself in an emotional reaction to melodies in music. Moreover, music affects a person differently, everything depends on its frequency and periodicity (rhythm) with which the sounds are repeated. Low-frequency sounds cause excessive saturation of the human essence, which manifests itself in the increased aggressiveness and sexuality of a person. Therefore, the low voice of a man, as a rule, for many women is associated with a sexual masculine image. Such a masculine voice can have a sexual influence on a woman, prompting her to romantic intimacy with the opposite sex, and causing strong sexual attraction.