How The Environment Affects Speech

How The Environment Affects Speech
How The Environment Affects Speech

Nature has endowed man with a unique ability - speech. Only in him, thanks to the special structure of the brain, organs of the larynx and respiration, can it develop. But in the full-fledged speech development of a person, the environment plays a huge role.

How the environment affects speech
How the environment affects speech

A newborn needs companionship

It may seem strange, but speech begins to develop before the birth of the child: he hears the inner and outer voices of the mother. Therefore, it is very important that this voice carries only a positive beginning - it is calm and joyful.

In the first weeks of life, the baby, without answering, listens carefully to the speech. Then he begins to walk, make short sounds, which are the result of interaction with the outside world and people, later emotionally rich sounds and babbling speaking appear. Attentive attitude on the part of adults to the vocal exercises of the newborn helps to shape future communication skills and the need to express their thoughts. It is important for parents to constantly talk with the baby, thus preparing his vocabulary.

Speech environment

You need to start teaching children to speak correctly from an early age. Speech abilities are constantly developing, therefore, the environment in which the child is located most affects future communication skills. The concept of "speech environment" should be understood not only regular communication, but also a wide variety of positive or negative factors that influence the development, including speech, of the child.

The meaning of the family

In kindergarten, school, the child finds himself in an artificial speech environment, which is designed to optimally develop speech in accordance with age. But he acquires the main skills in his family, and the skills of good speech are no exception. Close people serve as a model for its formation. Examples of correct, clear-sounding speech help to subsequently avoid future speech impairments.

In no case should parents "imitate" the language of their children, it is important to strictly monitor their own speech, not to distort words. The lack of a favorable environment during the development of the child (deafening screams, noise, constant fuss) does not make it possible to clearly and fully perceive the speech sounding around him. There are frequent cases of incorrect pronunciation of sounds in children in whose family one of the relatives has speech defects.

As a rule, the child's communication develops correctly and in a timely manner in families where parents spend a lot of time communicating, playing with him, reading or telling fairy tales to the child, and learning poetry.

A child, like a sponge, absorbs everything, including the words he constantly hears. The culture of speech of others, especially parents, is of great importance in the development of vocabulary.

The development of a child's speech depends on many factors of the family microenvironment. Psychologists believe that communicative development is not fully realized in an incomplete family. A lag in the formation of speech can be observed in families with many children, where adults devote less time to children. The researchers noted the creation of a richer speech environment in families where parents have a high economic status and level of education, are satisfied with their marriage.

Influence of slang and jargon

The modern era is characterized by great changes in society, and language is no exception. Lexicographers create special dictionaries that record the cultural and linguistic situation of recent years. Slang, widespread among the youth, impoverishes speech, displacing literary vocabulary from it. By limiting vocabulary, they serve as an obstacle to the creative development of the individual.

Role of newspapers, radio and television

Reduced everyday communication is observed not only among young people and some other groups of society, but also in newspaper-journalistic style, which is as close as possible to everyday speech, the language of radio and television. Many media, which should serve as a model for the culture of the language, now play the opposite role.

The serious deviation of the speech of the modern Russian population from the framework of the literary Russian language is a cause for concern.
