What Characterizes An Industrial Society

What Characterizes An Industrial Society
What Characterizes An Industrial Society

An industrial society is a society with completed processes of creating a large, developed industry as a leading sector of the economy. It is replacing an agrarian society, where relations associated with the system of land tenure and land use are decisive.

What characterizes an industrial society
What characterizes an industrial society

The main features of an industrial society

The formation of an industrial society led to profound changes in the political and economic life of the people of the late Middle Ages. Industrial society began to form at the beginning of the 19th century. A kind of redistribution of the labor force took place: employment of the population fell in the agricultural sector from 80% to 12%. At the same time, the share of workers in the industrial sector increased to 85% and a significant increase in the urban population was formed.

Such a society is characterized by the emergence of mass production, automation and mechanization of labor, the steady development of markets for goods and services. Knowledge and innovations are accumulating, a civil society is being formed, the standard of living of the people is increasing, culture, education and science are developing. The educational revolution has resulted in universal literacy and the formation of the education system.

Industrial society priorities

The most important values are hard work, enterprise, decency, education. In an industrial society, agricultural and industrial production is growing rapidly, new means of communication are emerging (print, radio, TV), monopolies are formed, and industrial and banking capital is merging. In addition, the mobility of the population is increasing, the average life expectancy is increasing, the level of consumption is growing, and the structure of working hours and rest is changing. The changes also concern demographic development - the birth and death rates are decreasing, and the population is aging.

A developed industrial society is characterized by a corresponding political system - democracy. Changes in the political sphere lead to the establishment of new political rights and freedoms, including the right to vote. The most important role in maintaining order is played by law, the basic principles of which are equality of opportunity, recognition for everyone of the right to life, freedom and property.

In the 70s of the 20th century, the industrial society, thanks to the scientific and technological revolution and global informatization, successfully transformed into a post-industrial society.