Fire Safety Rules At The Enterprise

Fire Safety Rules At The Enterprise
Fire Safety Rules At The Enterprise

Even if the activity of the enterprise is not associated with materials hazardous in terms of fire, there is always the possibility of a fire. That is why it is so important to comply with fire safety rules in offices and industrial premises of enterprises. Only this can guarantee the preservation of people's lives, prevent damage and destruction of material values.

Fire safety rules at the enterprise
Fire safety rules at the enterprise

How does the prevention of fires at the enterprise begin?

Fire safety is a system of interconnected measures that make it possible to protect the property and personnel of an enterprise from the destructive and destructive effects of the fire element. The work on fire prevention begins with the preparation of an order, which includes basic provisions, practical recommendations and clear instructions regarding the protection of buildings and premises from fires. In addition to this document, there will be a list of officials who are responsible for the prevention and prevention of fire hazardous situations.

An important element of preventive work to prevent fires is regular briefings and information support. During the briefings, each member of the labor collective gets acquainted with issues that are directly related to fire safety. The responsible manager always makes sure that only those employees of the enterprise who are trained in safety measures when handling flammable and explosive substances and have been instructed are allowed to work in areas that are hazardous in terms of fire.

A detailed and visual plan for the evacuation of employees in the event of a fire should be posted in a conspicuous place on each floor of industrial and office buildings. It is also advisable to post brief information on the priority actions of personnel in the event of a fire.

Signs indicating the places where the means for extinguishing the fire are located will help not to get confused in an emergency.

Fire safety basics

The duty of the head of the enterprise is to strictly monitor the observance of fire safety measures by all employees and ensure that fire prevention is carried out within the timeframes specified in the order. Managers of workshops and individual sections familiarize workers with the rules of behavior in emergency situations right at the workplace.

In the instructions of the services that conduct fire supervision, it is said that each enterprise must be equipped with modern fire alarms and effective fire extinguishing equipment. The arsenal of such tools will largely depend on the specifics of production and the technologies used at the enterprise. More stringent requirements exist for those industries where work is carried out with materials that are dangerous from the point of view of possible ignition.

In the event of a fire hazardous situation, special places should be provided for storing personal protective equipment.

Places for smoking should be taken out of production areas. It is very important that personnel evacuation routes are clear and accessible at all times for unhindered access to the outside. If there are areas in the enterprise where open fire is used, it is imperative to create special conditions and introduce stricter controls. Every employee of the enterprise should be aware that a violation of fire safety standards will be followed by severe disciplinary action.