What Are The Pages Of The Book Called

What Are The Pages Of The Book Called
What Are The Pages Of The Book Called

A book - such a familiar subject for a modern person - consists of many pages. Most of the pages contain text for which the reader opens the book. But some of the pages in the book have their own titles.

What are the pages of the book called
What are the pages of the book called

A book is a completely familiar subject for a modern person. From early childhood, people leaf through books. First, these are thin little books, then more serious publications: fiction, textbooks, narrowly specialized, informative and reference books. It would seem that what may be unknown in the structure of such a subject as a book. However, the title of the pages of the book is not familiar to all people.

A little from the history of the book

Probably, it will not be a mistake to say that the book appeared along with the advent of writing. Although, of course, the appearance of the written texts was very different from what can be seen now on the bookshelves.

People made notes on stone, and on metal plates, and on clay tablets, and on the bark of trees, and on dressed animal skins.

In ancient Egypt, they wrote on sheets of papyrus, which were then fastened one after another and were scrolls. The scrolls were also used later, when paper was already invented.

Much later they began to write on separate sheets. The sheets of paper fastened together are already real books. At first they were handwritten. It was only in the 15th century that a font was invented in Europe, with the help of which it became possible to type text and print it in multiple copies.

Many countries dispute primacy in the invention of typography. However, the generally recognized inventor of typesetting is the German Johannes Gutenberg.

In Russia, book printing appeared in the middle of the 16th century. In 1564 Ivan Fedorov published the book "Apostle" in Moscow.

What the book consists of

If you take any book, then the first thing you can see is its cover. If the book consists of a large number of pages, then more often it has not a paperback, but a hardcover. Sometimes the book is “dressed” in a smart dust jacket. This is done with especially valuable and gift editions.

When the cover is folded back, the flyleaf will open. More often than not, it is just a blank sheet of paper that is thicker than the rest of the pages of the book. In textbooks, this sheet is usually filled with all kinds of reference material.

On the next spread, on the right, one of the main pages of the book is the title page. It is on it that the name of the author, the title of the book, the name of the publisher and the year of issue are indicated.

The page to the left of the title page is called the frontispiece. Usually this is just a blank page, but sometimes a portrait of the author of the book, some drawing or autograph is placed on it.

On the reverse side of the title page there is an avant-title. This is where the output of the book goes. Its name is indicated again and a short annotation is added.

Next comes the text of the book itself.

Sometimes parts of a book are separated by separate sheets, on one side of which are written the titles of the parts or chapters. Such a sheet is called "shmutstitul".

If the book consists of several works or separate chapters, then this is indicated in the "Table of Contents" or in the "Contents". The table of contents is located either at the end of the book or at the beginning.

Some of the book page titles may seem complicated and unusual. This is natural, because they came from Latin and German.